French | English |
épagneul nom {m} | spaniel [spaniels]◼◼◼(dog breed) |
épagneul breton nom | Brittany◼◼◼(dog breed) |
épagomène adjectif | epagomenic(all senses) |
épais adjectif | thick [thicker, thickest]◼◼◼(densely crowded or packed) thick [thicker, thickest]◼◼◼(having a viscous consistency) thick [thicker, thickest]◼◼◼(heavy in build) thick [thicker, thickest]◼◼◼(impenetrable to sight) thick [thicker, thickest]◼◼◼(relatively great in extent from one surface to another) deep [deeper, deepest]◼◼◻(thick in a vertical direction) |
épais adverbe | thick◼◼◼(in a thick manner) |
épais fouillis nom | mat [mats](thickly tangled mess) |
épaissement adverbe | thickly(in a thick manner) |
épaisseur nom {f} | thickness [thicknesses]◼◼◼(measure) thickness [thicknesses]◼◼◼(property of being thick in dimension) depth [depths]◼◼◻(perpendicular distance from the chord to the farthest point) |
épaisseur nom | third dimension(quality of depth) |
épaissir verbe | thicken [thickened, thickening, thickens]◼◼◼((intransitive) to become more viscous) thicken [thickened, thickening, thickens]◼◼◼((intransitive) to become wider) thicken [thickened, thickening, thickens]◼◼◼((transitive) to make more viscous) thicken [thickened, thickening, thickens]◼◼◼((transitive) to make wider) |
épaississant nom {m} | thickener [thickeners]◼◼◼(thickening agent) thickening [thickenings]◼◼◻(a substance, usually a source of starch, used to thicken a sauce) |
épaississement nom {m} | thickening [thickenings]◼◼◼(the process of making something, or becoming, thick or viscous) |
épanadiplose nom {f} | epanadiplosisnoun |
épanalepse nom {f} | epanalepsisnoun |
épanastrophe nom {f} | epanastrophenoun |
épandage aérien nom {m} | crop-dusting◼◼◼(application of chemicals onto crops from an aircraft) |
épandeur nom {m} | spreader [spreaders]◼◼◼(device used to spread bulk material) spreader [spreaders]◼◼◼(object or person who spreads) |
épanoui adjectif | wholehearted(having no reservations; showing unconditional and enthusiastic support) |
épanouissant adjectif | fulfilling◼◼◼(which causes fulfillment) |
éparchie nom | eparchy◼◼◼(diocese of a bishop) eparchy◼◼◼(district of the Roman Empire) |
éparchie nom {f} | diocese [dioceses]◼◼◻(region administered by a bishop) |
éparchique adjectif | eparchial(of or pertaining to an eparchy) |
épargne nom {f} | saving◼◼◼(something that is saved) thrift◼◼◻(characteristic of using a minimum of something) |
épargner verbe | save [saved, saving, saves]◼◼◼(to accumulate money) save [saved, saving, saves]◼◼◼(to keep safe; to safeguard) save [saved, saving, saves]◼◼◼(to spare somebody from effort, or from something undesirable) |