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китайски angolul

китайски adjective

Chinese(of, from, or relating to China, its people, its culture, and its language)
[UK: tʃaɪ.ˈniːz] [US: tʃaɪ.ˈniːz]

китайски proper noun

Chinese(the standard language of China, see also: Mandarin)
proper noun
[UK: tʃaɪ.ˈniːz] [US: tʃaɪ.ˈniːz]

китайски език proper noun

Chinese(the standard language of China, see also: Mandarin)
proper noun
[UK: tʃaɪ.ˈniːz] [US: tʃaɪ.ˈniːz]

китайски йероглиф noun

Chinese character(CJKV character)

китайски йероглифи proper noun

Chinese(writing system of Chinese)
proper noun
[UK: tʃaɪ.ˈniːz] [US: tʃaɪ.ˈniːz]

китайски квартал noun

Chinatown(a Chinese district outside China)
[UK: ˈtʃaɪ.nə.ˌtɑːwn] [US: ˈtʃaɪ.nə.ˌtɑːwn]