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дестилирам angolul

дестилирам verb

distil [distilled, distilling, distils](to heat (a substance, usually a liquid) so that a vapour is produced, and then to cool the vapour so that it condenses back into a liquid; to subject to distillation)
[UK: dɪ.ˈstɪl] [US: ˌdɪ.ˈstɪl]

дестилирам се verb

distil [distilled, distilling, distils](to turn into a vapour and then condense back into a liquid; to undergo or be produced by distillation)
[UK: dɪ.ˈstɪl] [US: ˌdɪ.ˈstɪl]

предестилирам verb

cohobate(to treat a material with a boiling liquid and repeatedly return the distillate)
[UK: kˈəʊhəbˌeɪt] [US: kˈoʊhəbˌeɪt]