Arab-Angol szótár »

يَوْم angolul

يَوْم الثُّلَاثَاء m

Tuesdayday of the week

يَوْم الحُرِّيَّة m

Freedom Dayannual commemorative

يَوْم السَّبْت m

Saturdayday of the week

يَوْم الْأَحَد m

Sundayday of the week

يَوْم الْأَرْبِعَاء m

Wednesdayday of the week

يَوْم الْاِثْنَيْن m

Mondayday of the week

يَوْم الْجُمُعَة m

Fridayday of the week

يَوْم الْحِسَاب m

doomsdayday when God is expected to judge the world

judgement dayfinal trial of all humankind at the end of the world

يَوْم الْخَمِيس m

Thursdayday of the week

يَوْم الْغُفْرَان

Yom KippurDay of Atonement

يَوْم الْقِيَامَة m

doomsdayday when God is expected to judge the world

يَوْم الْكَفَّارَة

Yom KippurDay of Atonement

يَوْم اَلصَّنَادِيق m

Boxing Daythe day after Christmas: 26 December|St. Stephen's Day

يَوْم اَلْأَرْض m

Earth Dayglobal day of observance of the need to protect the earth

يَوْم اِسْم m

name dayfeast day of a saint

يَوْم عُطْلَة m

day offa day of vacation etc.

يَوْم كَذْبَة أَبْرِيل m

April Fools' DayFirst day of April

يَوْم كِيفُور

Yom KippurDay of Atonement

يَوْم وَطَنِيّ m

national dayday marking a country's establishment


everat any time

يَوْمًا بَعْدَ يَوْم

day after dayFor an indefinite number of days

يَوْمًا مَا

somedaysometime; at some time in the future

يَوْمُ الدِّين m

judgement dayfinal trial of all humankind at the end of the world

يَوْمُ الْقِيَامَة m

judgement dayfinal trial of all humankind at the end of the world


dailyevery day

يَوْمِيَّات f-p

diarydaily log of experiences


dailythat occurs every day


todaytoday (''noun'')


todayon the current day

دَفْتَرُ يَوْمِيّاتٍ

diarydaily log of experiences

كُلَّ يَوْمٍ

dailyevery day

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