Arab-Angol szótár »

وب angolul

سُوبَر مَارْكِت m


سُوبَرْمَارْكِت m


سُوبَرْمَان m

Supermana fictional character with superhuman powers

سِفْر أَيُّوب

Jobbook of the Bible

سِمْفِرُوبُل m

Simferopolprovincial capital of the Crimea

سِيفَاسْتُوبُول f


سْتَافْرُوبُول m


سْتُوبَا m

stupaBuddhist monument

سْكُوبِيه f

Skopjecapital of North Macedonia

سْكُوبِيَّا f

Skopjecapital of North Macedonia

سْنُوبِي m

Snoopypet beagle

شبكة إندوبلازمية f

endoplasmic reticulumnetwork of membranes

شَبَكَة حَاسُوبِيَّة

gridcomputing: a system or structure of distributed computers working mostly on a peer-to-peer basis

شَخْص غَيْر مَرْغُوب فِيهِ

persona non grataa person who is not welcome

شُؤْبُوب m

downpourheavy rain

شُعُوبِيَّة f

anti-Arabismprejudice against Arabs

شُوبَان m


شُوبِرْت m


شِبْه الْجَزِيرَة اَلْقُطْبِيّة اَلْجَنُوبِيَّة f

Antarctic Peninsulathe northernmost part of the mainland of Antarctica


Segoviacity in Castile and León, Spain

صَخْر رُسُوبِيّ

sedimentary rockone of the major groups of rock that makes up the crust of the Earth

صَلِيب اَلْجَنُوب m

Southern Crossconstellation

صُعُوبَة f


difficultystate of being difficult

صُوبَة f

greenhousebuilding in which plants are grown more quickly than outside

طُوب m-p

adobeunburnt brick

طُوبَائِيَّة f

utopiaworld in perfect harmony

طُوبَة f

brickhardened block used for building

طُوبَى f


طُوبِيَا m

Tobiasbiblical character

عقوبَة الإعدام

death warrantwarrant that authorizes capital punishment

عُرُوبَة f

Arabisman idiom characteristic of the Arabic language

Arabnessquality of being Arab

عُرْقُوب m

Achilles tendonstrong tendon in the calf of the leg

shanklower part of the leg

عُقُوبَة f

punishmentpenalty for wrongdoing

sanctionpenalty or coercive measure

عُقُوبَة الْإِعْدَام f

capital punishmentpunishment by death|death penalty

death penaltystate punishment of death|capital punishment

عُقُوبَة الْمَوْت f

capital punishmentpunishment by death|death penalty