Arab-Angol szótár »

هِيَ angolul



theythird-person plural pronoun

هِيَ f

itsubject — inanimate thing

أُلُوهِيَّة f

divinitygodhood, state of being God or a god

إِلَٰهِيَّة f

divinitystudy of religion or religions

إِلٰهِيَّات f-p

theologystudy of God, or a god, or gods

اِنْهِيَار m

crashcomputer malfunction

اِنْهِيَار أَرْضِيّ m

landslidenatural disaster

اِنْهِيَار ثَلْجِيّ m

avalanchelarge sliding mass of snow and ice

اِنْهِيَار نِظَام m

crashcomputer malfunction


Bahiastate in northeastern Brazil

بَدِيهِيَّة f

axiomphilosophy: supposed self‐evident or necessary truth

جَرِيمَة كَرَاهِيَّة f

hate crimecrime motivated by hate

رَفَاهِيَة f

well-beingstate of health, happiness and/or prosperity

شَهِيَّة f

appetitedesire of or relish for food

طَاهِيَة f

chefhead cook of an establishment such as a restaurant

cookperson who prepares food

عِلْم المِيَاهِيَّات

hydrologyscience related to water

كَرَاهِيَة f

aversionfixed dislike

hatredstrong aversion

مَاهِيَّة f


مَدِينَة تَرْفِيهِيَّة f

amusement parkcommercially-operated collection of rides, games and other entertainment attractions

مِنْحَة إِلٰهِيَّة f

godsendinstance of unexpected benefit or good fortune

هِبَة إِلٰهِيَّة f

God-givengiven or sent by God or appearing so