Arab-Angol szótár »

هَو angolul

هَو هَو

woofsound a dog makes when barking|bark

هَوَاء m

breezea light, gentle wind

هَوَاء مَضْغُوط m

compressed airair increased in pressure

هَوَاء نَقِيّ m

fresh airclean air from outside

هَوَائِيّ m

aerialdevice for receiving or transmitting

antennafeeler organ

هَوَى m

fallmove to a lower position under the effect of gravity


Judaizeto impose Jewish observances or rites upon; to convert to Judaism


ventto allow to escape through a vent

هَوِيَّة جِنْدريّة f

genderidentification as a man, a woman, or something else

هَوِيَّة جِنْسِيَّة f

genderidentification as a man, a woman, or something else

هَوِّيس m

locksegment of a canal

هَوْسَا f


هَوْسَائِيَّة f


هَوْسَاوَة m


هَوْسِيَّة f


هَوْشَة f

altercation(''countable'') angry or heated dispute

هَوْل m

terrorextreme fear

أَبُو الهَوْل m

sphinxmythology: creature with the head of a person and the body of an animal

الجِهَوِيَّة f

regionalismpolitical tendency

القَصَبَة الهَوَائِيَّة

bronchusEither or two branches of the trachea

تَلَوُّث الْهَوَاء m

air pollutioncontamination of the atmosphere by noxious gases and particulates

تَهَوُّر m

recklessnessbeing reckless

temerityreckless boldness


regionalpertaining to a specific region

دِينَامِيكَا هَوَائِيَّة

aerodynamicsThe science of the dynamics of bodies moving relative to gases

سَفِينَة هَوَائِيَّة f

dirigiblea self-propelled airship that can be steered

قَصَبَة هَوَائِيَّة f

tracheathin-walled, cartilaginous tube connecting the larynx to the bronchi



uvularof a sound, articulated with the uvula


recklesscareless or heedless; headstrong or rash

مُكَيِّف هَوَاء m

air conditionera machine that is used to control temperature and humidity in an enclosed space

مُهَوَّس m

geekexpert in a technical field, particularly to do with computers

nerdintellectual, skillful person, generally introverted

وِسَادَة هَوَائِيَّة f

airbagprotective system in automobiles