Arab-Angol szótár »

هَا angolul




vitiligopatchy loss of skin pigmentation


at lengthfor a long time


astutelyin an astute manner

بِلَاغ نِهَائِيّ

ultimatuma final statement of terms or conditions made by one party to another

بِهَارِيّ m

BihariA group of Indo-Aryan languages spoken in Bihar and the surrounding states in India.

Bihariof or pertaining to Bengal

بِيرْل هَارْبَر m

Pearl Harbora harbor on Oahu

بِيهَار m

Bihara state in eastern India

تَحْت اَلْمِهَاد m

hypothalamusa region of the brain, below the thalamus

تَهَاجُم m

invasionmilitary action

تَهَاطُل نَوَوِيّ m

nuclear falloutradioactive material in the atmosphere which settles down to Earth


flockto congregate

تَهَافَتَ عَلَى

fall forTo fall in love with

تْشَهَارْمَحَالْ وَبَخْتِيَارِي f

Chaharmahal and Bakhtiariprovince of Iran

تْشُوهَاي m

Zhuhaia city of China

تْشِيتْشِيهَار m

Qiqiharcity in Heilongjiang, China

تْشِينْغْهَاي m

Qinghaia Chinese province

جَهَارَة f

volumestrength of sound

جَهَارْمَحَالْ وَبَخْتِيَارِي f

Chaharmahal and Bakhtiariprovince of Iran

جَهَاز m

playerelectronic device

جَهَاز قِيَاس الرُطُوبَة m

hygrometerinstrument that measures humidity

جَهَالَة f

ignorancecondition of being uninformed or uneducated

جُنُون اِضْطِهَاد p

paranoiaa psychotic disorder characterized by delusions of persecution

جُوهَانِسْبُرْغ f

Johannesburga city in South Africa

جِهَاد m

jihadholy war undertaken by Muslims

strugglestrife, effort


jihadismideological movement within modern Islamic fundamentalism

جِهَادِيَّة f

jihadistpertaining to the doctrine of jihadism

جِهَاز m

apparatuscomplex machine or instrument

appliancea device in its own right

devicepiece of equipment

gadgetany device or machine

playerelectronic device

systemgroup or set of related things that operate together as a complex whole

جِهَاز إِسْقَاط m

projectoroptical device

جِهَاز العَرُوس m

trousseaubridal clothes

جِهَاز الْجَرْي m

treadmillpiece of indoor sporting equipment

جِهَاز الْمَشْي m

treadmillpiece of indoor sporting equipment

جِهَاز الْمُخَابَرَات m

intelligencedepartment, agency or unit


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