Arab-Angol szótár »

هَا angolul

هَانْد رِيمِي m

rummycard game

هَانْدَان m

Handana prefecture-level city in north China

هَانْزِي m

Chinese characterCJKV character

Chinese characterCJKV character

هَانْغُول m

hangulKorean phonetic script

hangulKorean phonetic script


ha-haapproximation of the sound of laughter|haha

haharepresentation of laughter|ha-ha

LOLexpression of laughter

هَاوٍ m

amateurperson attached to a pursuit without pursuing it professionally

hobbyistperson interested in an activity or subject as a hobby


Hawaiichain of islands

Hawaiistate of the United States

هَاوُن m

mortarlightweight indirect fire weapon which transmits recoil to a base plate

mortarvessel used to grind ingredients

هَاوِيَة f

abyssbottomless or unfathomed depth

abysshell, bottomless pit

amateurperson attached to a pursuit without pursuing it professionally

bottomless pitA pit with no visible (infinite) bottom

bottomless pithell


Haumeaid=Q601|celestial body

هَايِتِي f

Haitiid=Q790|a country in the Caribbean

هَايْبَرْتِكْسْت m

hypertextuncountable: text for the Web

هَايْبُوثَلَامُوس m

hypothalamusa region of the brain, below the thalamus

هَايْتِي f

Haitiid=Q790|a country in the Caribbean

هَايْد بَارْك m

Hyde Parkname of a park

هَايْدْرَات m

hydratesolid compound containing or linked to water molecules

هَايْكُو m

Haikoua city in China

haikuJapanese poem of a specific form

haikupoem of similar structure


Heinesurname of German-speakers

أَبْرَاهَام m

Abrahammale given name


Abhacity in Saudi Arabia

أَخْبَار هَامَّة

breaking newsnews that just happened or is happening

أَدَاة اِسْتِفْهَام f

interrogativea word implying interrogation

أَزْهَار p

flowerreproductive structure in angiosperms

أَصْفَهَان f

Isfahanthird largest city of Iran


Alzheimer's diseasemental disorder from brain tissue changes


abuseto insult

despiseto regard with contempt or scorn


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