Arab-Angol szótár »

نَاس angolul

نَاس m-p

menhuman people

نَاس p

human beingperson|man/translations|person

peoplea body of human beings; a group of two or more persons

نَاسَا f

NASANational Aeronautics and Space Administration

نَاسَاو f

Nassaucapital of the Bahamas


fitto conform to in size and shape

fitto have right size and cut, as of clothing

suitto be appropriate or apt for

نَاسُور m

fistulaabnormal connection or passageway between organs or vessels

نَاسِخ m

scribeone who writes; a draughtsman

نَاسِخَة f

photocopiermachine which reproduces documents by photographing the original over a glass plate and printing duplicates


asceticdevotee to the practice of self-denial

نَاسِك m

monkmale member of monastic order


Amazonasstate of Brazil

أَنَاسْتَازْيَا f

Anastasiafemale given name

أَنَانَاس m



بَانَاسُونِيك m

Panasonica multinational corporation in Japan


by the wayincidentally


Birštonasa spa town in Lithuania

تَمَازُج الأَجْنَاسِ

miscegenationthe mixing or blending of race

تَنَاسُخ m

metempsychosisTransmigration of the soul

تَنَاسُخُ الأَرْوَاحِ

reincarnationrebirth of a mental capacity in a physical life form

جِنَاس m

punjoke or type of wordplay

جِنَاس نَاقِص m

anagramword or phrase created by rearranging letters from another word or phrase

جِهَاز تَنَاسُلِيّ m

reproductive systemreproductive system

حِزَام نَاسِف m

explosive beltbelt with explosives, worn by suicide bombers

عَدَم تَنَاسُق m

asymmetrylack of symmetry or proportion

عَرْنَاس m

distaffdevice to which fibres are attached for temporary storage

لَفْظُ مُنَاسَبَة m

nonce wordword invented for the occasion

مُنَاسَبَة f

conveniencequality of being suitable, useful or convenient

occasionfavorable opportunity

occasionparticular happening

relationshipconnection or association


appropriatepeculiar, suitable, fit, proper

convenientof or pertaining to convenience; simple; easy; expedient

expedientsuitable to effect some desired end or the purpose intended

suitableappropriate to a certain occasion

مُنَاسِب m

aproposof an appropriate or pertinent nature

مِينَاسْ جِيرَايْسْ

Minas Geraisstate in south-eastern Brazil