Arab-Angol szótár »

مَوْت angolul

مَوْت m

deathcessation of life

مَوْت أَسْوَد m

Black Death14th century pandemic outbreak

مَوْت الفَجْأَة

sudden deathinstantaneous death


murraindisease of cattle

تَمَنِي اَلْمَوْت m

death wishdesire for the death of oneself or of someone else

سَبَب مَوْت m

cause of deathofficial cause of a human death

سَيَّارة نَقْل مَوْتَى f

hearsevehicle for transporting dead

شَاشَة الْمَوْت الزَّرْقَاء f

blue screen of deathscreen indicating a system error

عَرَبة نَقْل مَوْتَى f

hearsevehicle for transporting dead

عُقُوبَة الْمَوْت f

capital punishmentpunishment by death|death penalty

death penaltystate punishment of death|capital punishment

كِتَاب الْمَوْتَى

Book of the Deadancient Egyptian funerary text

مَجْمُوعَة الْمَوْت

group of deatha group in a multi-stage tournament which is unusually competitive

مَلَك الْمَوْت m

angel of deathpersonification of death in fiction and in art

مَلَك اَلْمَوْت m

Azraelangel of death

مَلَك مَوْت m

angel of deathpersonification of death in fiction and in art

مُعَسْكَر مَوْت m

death campfacility

نَزَفَ حَتَّى الْمَوْت

bleed outdie due to excess bloodloss