Arab-Angol szótár »

مَع angolul


Maaloulatown in Syria


activein grammar

knownthat whom other people know, renowned, famous

مَعْلُومَات f-p

informationcommunicable knowledge

intelligenceinformation about the enemy

مَعْلُومَات مُضَلِّلَة f-p

disinformationintentionally false information

مَعْلُومَاتِيّ m

informationalgiving, related to information

مَعْلُومَة f

factan honest observation

factsomething actual

informationcommunicable knowledge

messagecommunication, concept or information conveyed


stallcompartment for a single animal in a stable or cattle shed

مَعْمَل m

factorymanufacturing place

laboratoryplace where chemicals, drugs or microbes are prepared or manufactured

laboratoryroom, building or institution equipped for scientific research

مَعْمُودِيَّة f

baptismChristian sacrament

مَعْنًى m

meaningdefinition or connotation of a word

meaningsignificance of a thing, as "the meaning of life"

meaningsymbolic value of something

sensemeaning or reason


abstractapart from practice or reality; not concrete

intangibleincapable of being perceived


significanceextent to which something matters

مَعْنَى m

sensesemantics term

مَعْنَى اَلْحَيَاة m

meaning of lifehypothetical answer to life’s ultimate questions

مَعْهَد m

academycollege or university

collegeinstitution of higher education

collegenon-specialized, semi-autonomous division of a university


مَعْي m

intestinealimentary canal

أَنْف مَعْقُوف m

aquiline nosehuman nose with a hooked, bent shape


conveneto come together, to meet, to unite


listento pay attention to a sound

اِسْم مَعْنًى

abstract nounnoun that denotes an abstract concept

اِقْتِرَاض مَعْنَوِيّ m

semantic loan

بَادِئَة مَعْنَاهَا مَعْي

enteritisintestinal disease

بِالتَّوَازِي مَعَ

alongin a line with, with a progressive motion on; onward on; forward on

بِالْمُقَارَنَة مَعَ

in relation toby comparison with, compared with

بِمَعْزِل عَن

aloofat or from a distance

تَحْقِيق مَعَ m

interrogationact of interrogating or questioning