Arab-Angol szótár »

لا angolul

مَدْرَسَة اَلاِبْتِدَائِيَّة f

primary schoolfirst formal, obligatory school

مَلاَمَة f

reproachmild rebuke, or an implied criticism

مُتْلازِمَة غِيلان بَارِيه f

Guillain-Barré syndromerapid-onset muscle weakness resulting from impaired peripheral nervous system function

مُخَيَّم لاجئ لَاجِئِين

refugee camp

مُعَدَّل الاِسْتِقْلَاب الْأَسَاسِيّ m

basal metabolic rateamount of energy expended while at rest

مُلاحِق الأَحْلَام m

dreamcatcherdecorative Native American object

مُلاعنة f

anathemaban or curse


responsibleable to answer reasonably for one's conduct


latchfastening for a door

نجم أفلام m

movie starstar of the cinema

نَظَرِيَّة اَلاِتِّحَاد اَلْكَوْنِيّ اَلْعَظِيم

grand unification theorytheory that unifies fundamental forces

هولا هوب

hula hooptoy in the form of a large hoop

هِيلاس f

Greeceid=Q41|country in Southeastern Europe

ورقة لاصقة f

post-it notea small piece of paper with an adhesive strip on one side



وَاسِع الاطلاع

well-readwell informed and knowledgeable because of having read extensively

وَقْت سلام السَّلَامِ

peacetimeperiod of peace

يا سلام

good heavensexclamation of surprise or shock

يالا بنا

chop-chophurry up



يَهُوذَا الاسْخَرْيُوطِيّ m

Judas Iscariotdisciple of Jesus

يُلوَّح (بسلاح) مهدَِّداً

brandishto move a weapon


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