Arab-Angol szótár »

فِكْر angolul

فِكْر m

ideaan image of an object that is formed in the mind or recalled by the memory

opinionthought a person has formed about a topic


thoughtrepresentation created in the mind

فِكْر مُحَافِظ

conservatismpolitical philosophy that favors maintaining limited government involvement

فِكْرَة f

ideaan image of an object that is formed in the mind or recalled by the memory

thoughtrepresentation created in the mind

عَلَى فِكْرَة

incidentallyby the way|by the way

عَلَى فِكْرَةٍ

by the wayincidentally

لَا فِكْرَة

no ideaI don't know

لَيْسَ لَدَي أَدْنَى فِكْرَة

have the foggiest"I haven't the foggiest": [[I don't know]]

مِلْكِيَّة فِكْرِيَّة f

intellectual propertyproduct of someone's intellect