Arab-Angol szótár »

فَم angolul

فَم m

mouththe opening of a creature through which food is ingested


oralrelating to the mouth

فَمُ الْحُوت m


آلَةِ الْفَم f

wind instrumenttype of musical instrument

الذَّهَبِيّ الْفَم


جِنْس شَرَجِيّ-فَمَوِيّ

anilingusoral stimulation of the anus

جِنْس فَمَوِيّ m

oral sexstimulation of the genitals using the mouth

صِحَّة الفَمّ

oral hygienekeeping the mouth clean

غَسُولُ فَمّ m

mouthwashliquid used to clean one's mouth

قُرْحَة فَمَوِيَّة f

aphthous ulcerulcer in the mouth caused by break in mucous membrane|canker sore|aphtha

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