Arab-Angol szótár »

فَا angolul

فَان غُوخ

Van Goghvan Gogh

فَانُوس m

lanterncase of transparent material made to protect a flame, or light

فَانُوَاتُو f

Vanuatuid=Q686|Republic of Vanuatu

فَانْتَازِيَا f

fantasiatraditional festival of the inhabitants of the Maghreb

فَانْكُوفَر m


فَاوَانِيَا f

peonyPaeonia genus of flowering plants

فَاي m

phiGreek letter

فَايْرْوَايْر m

firewirea high speed digital link standard, IEEE 1394-1995

فَايْرْوُول m

firewallcomputer software

فَايْسْبُوك m

Facebooksocial-networking website

Facebooksocial-networking website

أَحْمَر شِفَاه m

lipstickmake-up for the lips

أَرْسَلَ فَاكْس

faxsend document

أَصْفَاد f-p

handcuffsmetal rings for fastening wrists

أَفَاتَار m

avatardigital representation of a person or being

avatarThe physical embodiment of an idea or concept; a personification

أَفَاضِل أَصْدِقَاء لِلْأَبَد m

best friend foreveran especially close and trusted friend


awakenintransitive: to stop sleeping

أَلْفَا f

alphaname of the letter Α, α


Urfacity in Turkey|Edessa

أُوفَا f


إخْفَاق الْعَدَالَة m

miscarriage of justiceerror which led to an unjust outcome

إِخْفَاق m


failurestate or condition opposite of success

miscarriagenatural termination of pregnancy


Stephenbiblical martyr

إِسْعَافَات أَوَّلِيَّة m-p

first aidbasic care

إِسْفَانَاخ m

spinacha particular edible plant, Spinacia oleracea

إِصْتِفَان m

Stephenmale given name

إِصْفَاق m

transfusionmedicine: the transfer of blood or blood products from one individual to another

إِطْفَائِيّ m

firefighterperson who puts out fires

إِعْفَاء m

pardonforgiveness for an offence

إِغْفَال m

omissionthe act of omitting


yieldquantity of something produced

إِفَادَةٌ مِنْ

yieldquantity of something produced

إِيدِلْفَايْس f

edelweiss''Leontopodium alpinum''

إِيفَان m

Ivanmale given name

إِيفَانُوفُو m

Ivanovocity in Russia

السَّلْفَادُور f

El Salvadorid=Q792|country in Central America

El Salvadorid=Q792|country in Central America