Arab-Angol szótár »

غَاز angolul

غَاز m

gas(uncountable, chemistry) state of matter

غَاز أَعْصَاب m

nerve gasweapon of mass destruction

غَاز طَبِيعِيّ m

natural gasmixture of gaseous hydrocarbons associated with petroleum deposits

غَاز طَبِيعِيّ مُسَال m

liquefied natural gasnatural gas converted to liquid

غَازٌ خَامِل m

noble gaselement of group 18 of the periodic table

غَازٍ m

conquerorsomeone who conquers

invaderone who invades; an assailant; an encroacher; an intruder


invasiveof an animal or plant: that grows (especially uncontrollably) in environments which do not harbour natural enemies

غَازِي عَنْتَاب


غَازِي عَيْنْتَاب


أَبُو الْمَغَازِل m


أُسْطُوَانَة غَاز f

gas cylindercylindrical vessel

أُسْطُوَانَة غَاز مَضْغُوط f

gas cylindercylindrical vessel

إِطْلَاق الغَازَات m

outgassingslow release of gas

الْغَاز الْمَسِيل لِلْدَمُوع m

tear gaschemical compound

الْغَازِي m

invaderone who invades; an assailant; an encroacher; an intruder

بِنْغَازِي m

BenghaziBenghazi, Libya

حَامِل أَلْغَاز m


ضِلْع غَازِيپُور

Gazipur DistrictGazipur District

غُرْفَة اَلْغَاز f

gas chambera sealed chamber in which people are executed with gas

قِنَاع غَاز

gas maska covering for the face with a filter to protect the user from poisonous gas

مَثَانَة الْغَاز f

swim bladderfish organ

مَشْرُوب غَازِيّ m

sodasweet, carbonated drink

soft drinksweet, non-alcoholic carbonated beverage

مِصْبَاح غَاز m

gaslightlamp which burns piped illuminating gas

مِيَّاه غَازِيَّة f

carbonated waterwater containing carbon dioxide