Arab-Angol szótár »

عَمَل angolul

عَمَل m


actionsomething done so as to accomplish a purpose

businessoccupation, work or trade of a person


jobeconomic role for which a person is paid


operationmethod by which a device performs its function

worklabour, employment, occupation, job

workliterary, artistic, or intellectual production

عَمَلاً بِ

pursuantaccordingly, consequently

عَمَلٌ رُوتِينِيّ m

chorea difficult, unpleasant, or routine task


labourto work

عَمَلِيَّات f-p

operationmilitary campaign

عَمَلِيَّة f

operationmethod by which a device performs its function

operationprocedure for generating a value from one or more other values

operationsurgical procedure

processseries of events to produce a result

عَمَلِيَّة تَفْجِيرِيَّة

suicide bombingattack

عَمَلِيَّة تَفْجِيرِيَّة إِنْتِحَارِيَّة

suicide bombingattack

عَمَلِيَّة جِرَاحِيَّة f

operationsurgical procedure

surgeryprocedure involving major incisions



عَمَلِيّ m

practicalbeing likely to be effective and applicable to a real situation

بِطَاقَة عَمَل f

business cardsmall card

خُلُو مِن اَلْعَمَل

free timetime when one is not working

leisurefreedom provided

leisuretime free

رَبَّة عَمَل f

employerperson or entity which employs others

رَبّ عَمَل m

employerperson or entity which employs others

رَجُل عَمَل m

man of action

رِحْلَة عَمَل f

business tripbusiness trip

صَاحِب عَمَل m

employerperson or entity which employs others

صَاحِبَة عَمَل f

employerperson or entity which employs others

طَاوِلَة عَمَل f

workbenchsturdy table

عَاطِل عَن اَلْعَمَل

idlenot engaged in any occupation or employment

قُوَّة عَمَل f

workforceworkers employed by an organization

مَحَطَّة عَمَل f

workstationpowerful desktop computer

مَكَان عَمَل m

workplaceplace where someone works

مُعَسْكَر عَمَل m

labour camptype of prison