Arab-Angol szótár »

ط angolul

طَرَابُلُس الشَّام f

Tripolicity in Lebanon

طَرَابُلُس الغَرْب f

Tripolicapital of Libya

طَرَابُلْسِيَّة f

Tripolitansomeone from Tripoli



طَرَابُلْسِيّ m

Tripolitansomeone from Tripoli

طَرَابِزُون f

Trabzonport city on the Black Sea coast of north-eastern Turkey

طَرَابِزُونِيَّة f

Trapezuntinean inhabitant of Trabzon


Trapezuntineof or pertaining to Trabzon

طَرَابِزُونِيّ m

Trapezuntinean inhabitant of Trabzon

طَرَاخُور m

jack mackerelfish

طَرَب m

musicsound, organized in time in a melodious way

raptureextreme pleasure, happiness or excitement


presentto bring (someone) into the presence of (a person); to introduce formally

throw awaydiscard or dispose of


banishto send someone away and forbid that person from returning

deportto evict, especially from a country

dismissto discharge

drive away(''idiomatic, transitive'') to force someone or something to leave

drive outto force someone out of somewhere

evictto expel

expelto remove from membership

fireto terminate the employment of

oustto expel; to remove

طَرَف m

limbmajor appendage of human or animal

partygroup of people forming one side in a given dispute, contest etc.

partylaw: particular side in a contract or legal action

tipextreme end of something

طَرَف اِصْطِنَاعِيّ m

prosthesisartificial replacement for a body part


knockto rap one's knuckles against something

طَرَقَ جَرَس

ring(intr.) to produce a resonant sound

طَرَّاد m

cruiserclass of warships

طَرَّاز m

embroidererperson who embroiders

طَرِيدَة f

gamewild animals hunted for food

طَرِيق m

corridortract of land

highwaymain public road

patha trail for the use of, or worn by, pedestrians

roada way for travel

routecourse or way traveled

wayroad, direction, path

طَرِيق اَلْحَرِير m

Silk Roadroutes used by silk traders across Europe, Asia and northern Africa