Arab-Angol szótár »

شِيشَة angolul


water pipetobacco smoking device

شِيشَة f


حَشِيشَة الدُود f

tansyplant of the genus ''Tanacetum''

حَشِيشَة السُّعَال f

coltsfoot''Tussilago farfara''

حَشِيشَة المَلَاك f

angelicaplants of genus ''Angelica''

حَشِيشَة الْقَلْب f

St. John's wortany plant of the genus ''Hypericum''

حَشِيشَة الْكَلْب f

horehound''Marrubium vulgare''

حَشِيشَة مُتَدَحْرِجَة f

tumbleweedplant which breaks loose and is driven by the wind

حَشِيشَة مُنْبَتَّة f

tumbleweedplant which breaks loose and is driven by the wind

حَشِيشَةُ الْقَطَّة f

valerian''Valeriana officinalis''