Arab-Angol szótár »

رِي angolul

بْلَاك بِيرِي m

BlackBerrydevice (transliterations)

BlackBerrydevice (transliterations)

بْلُو بيرِي m



بٰسِير رِيس

Pasir Ristown in Singapore


conspiratorialpertaining to conspiracy or conspirators

تَأْمُورِيّ m

pericardialof or relating to the pericardium

تَارِيخ m

chroniclea written account

chronologydetermining the order of events (an auxiliary science of history)

datepoint of time at which a transaction or event takes place

datethat which specifies the time of writing, inscription etc.

historyaggregate of past events

historybranch of knowledge that studies the past

historyrecord or narrative description of past events

historyset of events involving an entity

تَارِيخ قَدِيم m

antiquityancient times

تَارِيخُ الْمِيلَادِ m

date of birthdate and year when something was born


historicalpertaining to history

تَاوَارِيش m

tovarishcomrade, especially with reference to the former USSR|comrade

تَبْرِير m

apologyformal justification, defence

justificationreason, explanation, or excuse

تَتَرِيَّة f



TatarTatar (adjective)

تَتَرِيّ m



empiricalpertaining to, derived from, or testable by observations

empiricalpertaining to or based on experience


abstractapart from practice or reality; not concrete

تَجْنِيد إِجْبَارِيّ m

conscriptioninvoluntary labor, especially military service

تَحْرِير m

edita change to the text of a document

liberationact of liberating or the state of being liberated

تَحْرِيض m

incitementa call to act; encouragement to act, often in an illegal fashion



incendiaryintentionally stirring up strife, riot, rebellion

inflammatorytending to inflame or provoke

تَحْرِيك m

animationcausing images to appear to move

تَحْلِيل رِيَاضِيّ m

analysisin mathematics

mathematical analysisThe mathematical study of functions, sequences, series, limits, derivatives and integrals.

تَحْلِيلْ مُخْتَبَرِيّ m

analysischemistry: process of breaking down a substance or the result of this process

تَخْرِيب m

sabotagedeliberate action of subversion, obstruction, disruption, destruction

vandalismneedless damage or destruction of property