Arab-Angol szótár »

رُو angolul

ضَرُورَة شِعْرِيَّة f

poetic licencedeparture from convention



necessaryneeded, required

طَرِيق رُومَانِيَّة f

Roman roadroad built by the Romans

طَيْف كَهْرُومَغْنَاطِيسِيّ m

electromagnetic spectrumelectromagnetic spectrum

طْرُول m

trollgiant supernatural being; grotesque humanoid creature living in caves or hills or under bridges

trollperson who makes or posts inflammatory or insincere statements in an attempt to lure others into combative argument

trollperson who sows discord, or spreads misinformation or propaganda, in order to promote an agenda as part of an organized political campaign

عَرُوس f

bridewoman in the context of her own wedding

عَرُوسَة f

cartona carton of cigarette packs

عَرُوسَة الْبَحْر f

mermaidmythological woman with a fish’s tail


scansionthe rhythm or meter of a line or verse

عَرُوض m

prosodypoetry: study of poetic meter etc

عَشْتَارُوت f

AstarteSemitic goddess of fertility

عَمَلٌ رُوتِينِيّ m

chorea difficult, unpleasant, or routine task

عَنْزَرُوت m

sarcocolla''A. sarcocolla'' resin; closely similar resins

عُرُوبَة f

Arabisman idiom characteristic of the Arabic language

Arabnessquality of being Arab

عُرُوس طِفْلَة f

child bridevery young bride


fisherperson who fishes

عُنْوَان بَرِيد إِلِكْتْرُونِيّ m

e-mail addressunique identifier

عِلْمُ العَرُوض m

prosodypoetry: study of poetic meter etc

عِنْوَان بَرِيد إِلِكْتْرُونِيّ m

e-mail addressunique identifier

غَابُورُون f

Gaboronecapital of Botswana

غَرُور m

delusionthat which is falsely or delusively believed or propagated; false belief; error in belief

غَيْر ضَرُورِيّ

unnecessarynot necessary

غَيْر مَشْرُوط

unconditionalwithout conditions

غَيْرُونْتُوقْرَاطِيَّة f

gerontocracygovernment by elders

غُبَيْرَاء أُورُوبِّيَّة f

rowan''Sorbus aucuparia''

غُرُوب m

nightfallthe close of the day; the coming of night

smokefallclose of the day before nightfall, when fog comes

sunsettime of day

غُرُوب اَلشَّمْس m

sunsetchanges in color of sky at sunset

غُرُور m

vanityexcessive pride

غُضْرُوف m

cartilageelastic tissue

غُورُو m

guruspiritual teacher

غِطَاء قَارُورَة m

bottle capclosure used to seal bottles

غْرُودْنُو f


غْرُوزْنِي m

Groznycity in Russia

فَرَنْسَا الأُورُوبِّيَّة f

metropolitan Francepart of France


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