Arab-Angol szótár »

رَسْم angolul

رَسْم m

drawingpicture, likeness, diagram or representation

feemonetary payment charged for professional services

picturerepresentation of visible reality produced by drawing, etc

رَسْم إِيضَاحِيّ m

diagramplan, drawing, sketch or outline to show workings or parts relationships

رَسْم بَيَانِيّ m

diagramgraph or chart

رَسْم فَنِّيّ m

paintingartistic application of paint

رَسْم هَزْلِيّ m

caricaturegrotesque misrepresentation

caricaturepictorial representation of someone for comic effect

cartoonhumorous drawing or strip

رَسْمِيَّات f-p

ceremonyofficial gathering to celebrate


formalbeing in accord with established forms


officialapproved by authority

حَفْل رَسْمِيّ m

ceremonyformal socially-established behaviour

عُطْلَة رَسْمِيَّة f

public holidaynational or regional holiday from work on a specific day

مُتَحَدِّث رَسْمِيّ m

spokespersonperson who acts as the voice of a group of people

نَاطِق رَسْمِيّ m

spokespersonperson who acts as the voice of a group of people

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