Arab-Angol szótár »

خِي angolul

خِي m

chiGreek letter

خِيانة زَوْجِيَّة f

adulterysexual intercourse by a married person with someone other than their spouse

خِيبِي m

Hebeiprovince of China

خِيخُوَن f

Gijóncity in Spain

خِيخِه m

Heihea prefecture-level city in northeastern China

خِيرْسُون f

Khersoncity in Ukraine

خِيفَةَ أَنَّ

lestfor fear that

خِيفِي m

Hefeia prefecture-level city in central China

خِيلُونْغْجْيَانْغ m

Heilongjiangprovince of China

خِيمِيَاء f

alchemyancient chemistry

خِيمِيَائِيّ m

alchemistone who practices alchemy

خِينَان m

HenanChinese province

خِيَار m

choiceoption or decision

cucumberedible fruit


optionone of the choices that can be made

خِيَار شَنْبَر m

golden showerthe flowering plant ''Cassia fistula''

خِيَاطَة f

sewingaction of the verb to sew

خِيَالَة f

fantasiatraditional festival of the inhabitants of the Maghreb

خِيَانَة f

foolingthe act of one who fools

infidelityunfaithfulness in marriage or other moral obligation

treasoncrime of betraying one’s country

treasonproviding aid and comfort to the enemy

unfaithfulnesscharacteristic of being unfaithful

خِيَانَة عُظْمَى f

high treasonCriminal disloyalty to one's country


imaginaryexisting in the imagination

أَخِي m

bro''used to address a male''


afterwardsat a later or succeeding time

extremearchaic: ultimate, final or last

recenthaving happened a short while ago


finallyat last

finallyat the end


at lastafter a long time; eventually

at lastin the end; finally; ultimately

at lengthfinally

eventuallyin the end

أَخِيل m

AchillesGreek mythical hero

اَلْخِيمِيَاء f

alchemyancient chemistry

اَلْمِنْهَج التَّارِيخِيّ m

historical methodtechniques and guidelines by which historians use primary sources and other evidence to research and then to write history


greedyhaving greed; consumed by selfish desires


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