Arab-Angol szótár »

جُمْلَة angolul

جُمْلَة f

clausegrammar: verb along with a subject and modifiers

phraseshort written or spoken expression

sentencegrammatically complete series of words consisting of a subject and predicate

جُمْلَة شَرْطِيَّة f

conditional sentencegrammar: type of sentence

جُمْلَة مَنْفِيَّة f

negative clausenegative clause, negative sentence

جُمْلَةٌ مُثْبَتَةٌ f

affirmative sentencesentence that affirms

بَيْع بِالْجُمْلَةِ

wholesalesale of products, often in large quantities, to retailers or other merchants


wholesalesale of products, often in large quantities, to retailers or other merchants

بِنَاء جُمْلَة m

syntaxset of rules that govern how words are combined