Arab-Angol szótár »

بشكل لا غبار عليه angolul

بشكل معقول

reasonablynot extremely

بشكل كبير

greatlyto a great extent

لا يصدق


لا روشيل f

La Rochellecity in New Aquitaine, France

مُسيطر عليه

controlledinhibited or restrained in one's words or actions

لا بُدَّ منه

sine qua nonprerequisite

لا السمك ولا الطيور

neither fish nor fowlnot easily categorized; not rightly belonging or fitting well in a given group or situation; not having the advantages of the various options

لا ديني، غير مؤمن m

nonbelievera person who does not believe, especially regarding religion