Arab-Angol szótár »

ال angolul

الصُورْبِيَّة السُّفْلَى

Lower Sorbiana Slavic language spoken in part of Brandenburg

الصُورْبِيَّة الْعُلْيَا f

Upper Sorbiana Slavic language spoken in part of Saxony

الصِرْبِيَّة f

Serbianthe standardized variety of Serbo-Croatian

الصِّحَّة العَامَّة

public healthscience

الصِّرْب f

Serbiaid=Q403|a country in southeastern Europe

الضرر في القانون

tortwrongful act, regarded as non-criminal and unrelated to a contract, which causes an injury

الضَّبَاب الدُّخَانِيّ m

smogurban air pollution

الضِّفَّة الْغَرْبِيَّة f

West Bankterritory

الطاجيكية العربية

Tajiki Arabicthe language

الطاقة الخضراء

green energynon-polluting energy

الطباعة الحجرية

lithographyprinting method

الطَاغِي m

despotruler with absolute power; tyrant


emergency department(healthcare) a department of a hospital

الطَّابُورُ الخَامِس m

fifth columna group of people which clandestinely undermines a larger group, such as a nation, to which it is expected to be loyal

الطَّبَق الطَّائِر

UFOan unidentified flying object

الطَّيَّار الْبَطَل m

aceexcellent military aircraft pilot



الطِّبّ النَّفْسِيّ

psychiatrybranch of medicine dealing with mental disorders

الطِّبّ الْحَيَوِيّ

biomedicinea branch of medical science


arithmeticmathematics of numbers, etc.

العذراء f

Virgoastrological sign

العربية الأندلسية

Andalusian Arabicvariety of the Arabic language

العشاء الأخير m

Last Supperlast meal Jesus ate with disciples

العكس من خجول

extrovertedpsychology: of or related to an extrovert

العم دهب m

Uncle Scroogerich miser

العَجَلَة الاحْتِيَاطِيَّة f

spare tyreextra tyre

العَرَبِيَّة الحِجَازِيِّة f

Hijazi Arabicthe language

العَزْم المَرْكَزِيّ

central momentstatistics: moment of a probability distribution

العَقَبَة f

Aqabacity in Jordan

العَيُّوق m

Capellathe brightest star in the constellation Auriga

العُنْصُرُ النَّائِب m

placeholderthat which holds, denotes or reserves a place for something to come later

الغشاء البلازمي

cell membranesemipermeable membrane surrounding the cytoplasm of a cell

الغُدّة النُخاميّة


الغِمْدُ المَيَالِينيّ

myelin sheathenvelope of myelin



الفَاسِخ m

Passoverthe one-day or multi-day biblical or Jewish festival

الفَرَنْسَاوِيَّة f

Frenchprincipal language of France and other related countries

الفَرَنْسِيَّة f

Frenchprincipal language of France and other related countries




Fustatformer capital of Egypt|Cairo