Angol-Szerb-Horvát szótár »

saint Szerb-Horvát

saint [saints] ((figuratively) a person with positive qualities)
[UK: seɪnt]
[US: ˈseɪnt]

{m}, Svetica {f}, Svet {m}, Sveto {n}, Sveta {f}


saint [saints] (person proclaimed as saint)
[UK: seɪnt]
[US: ˈseɪnt]

{m}, Svetica {f}, Svet {m}, Sveto {n}, Sveta {f}


Saint (title given to a saint)
[UK: seɪnt]
[US: ˈseɪnt]


Saint Andrew's cross (cross that has a form of two intersecting oblique bars)

Andrijin krstnoun
{m}, Andrijin križ {m}

Андријин крстnoun
{m}, Андријин криж {m}

Saint Barbara (saint)
proper noun
[UK: seɪnt ˈbɑː.brə]
[US: ˈseɪnt ˈbɑːr.bə.rə]

Sveta Varvaraproper noun
{f}, Sveta Barbara {f}

Света Варвараproper noun
{f}, Света Барбара {f}

Saint George (Patron saint of England and several other places)
proper noun

Sveti Georgije (Croatia)proper noun
{m}, Sveti Đorđe {m} (Serbia), Sveti Juraj {m}

Свети Георгије (Croatia)proper noun
{m}, Свети Ђорђе {m} (Serbia), Свети Јурај {m}

Saint Helena (island in the Atlantic Ocean)
proper noun
[UK: seɪnt ˈhe.lə.nə]
[US: ˈseɪnt ˈhe.lə.nə]

Sveta Helenaproper noun

Saint Kitts and Nevis (a country in the Caribbean)
proper noun
[UK: seɪnt ˈkɪts ənd ˈne.vəs]
[US: ˈseɪnt ˈkɪts ænd ˈne.vəs]

Sveti Kristofor i Nevis, Sveti Kitts i Nevisproper noun

Свети Кристофер и Невис, Сент Китс и Невис, Свети Кристофор и Невис, Свети Китс и Невисproper noun

Saint Lucia (country in the Caribbean)
proper noun
[UK: seɪnt ˈluː.ʃə]
[US: ˈseɪnt ˈluː.ʃə]

Sveta Lucijaproper noun

Света Луцијаproper noun

Saint Mary (the mother of Jesus Christ)
proper noun

Sveta Marijaproper noun

Света Маријаproper noun

Saint Michael (equivalent of Saint Michael)
proper noun

Sveti Mihaelproper noun

Свети Михаилproper noun

Saint Nicholas (4th-century Greek bishop, patron of children and mariners)
proper noun

Sveti Nikolaproper noun

Свети Николаproper noun

Saint Petersburg (city in Russia)
proper noun
[UK: seɪnt ˈpiː.tərz.bərɡ]
[US: ˈseɪnt ˈpiː.tərz.bərɡ]

Sȁnkt Pèterburgproper noun

Санкт Петербургproper noun

Saint Pierre and Miquelon (overseas territory of France)
proper noun

Sveti Petar i Mikelonproper noun

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (country in the Caribbean)
proper noun
[UK: seɪnt ˈvɪnsnt ənd ðə]
[US: ˈseɪnt ˈvɪn.sənt ænd ðə]

Sveti Vincent i Grenadiniproper noun

Свети Винцент и Гренадиниproper noun

sainthood (state of being a saint)
[UK: ˈseɪnt.hʊd]
[US: ˈseɪnt.ˌhʊd]


All Saints' Day (feast day)
proper noun
[UK: ɔːl ˈseɪnts deɪ]
[US: ɔːl ˈseɪnts ˈdeɪ]

Svi sveti, Сви светиproper noun

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (major denomination of the Latter Day Saint movement)
proper noun

Crkva Isusa Krista svetaca posljednjih danaproper noun

Црква Исуса Христа светаца последњих данаproper noun