Angol-Portugál szótár »

would portugálul

would (indicating a possible (but not definite) future action or state)
[UK: wʊd]
[US: ˈwʊd]

; We sat on the benchverb

perguntando-nos se o ônibus chegaria tarde esta vez.verb

Use the conditional tenseverb

wondering if the bus would be late this time. - Nos sentamos no bancoverb

would (indicating an action in the past that happened repeatedly or commonly)
[UK: wʊd]
[US: ˈwʊd]

nos sentávamos perto do buraco do lago congelado e pescávamos por horas.verb

Use the imperfect tense; In the wintersverb

we would sit by the hole on the frozen lake and fish for hours. - No invernoverb

would (indicating an action in the past that was planned or intended)
[UK: wʊd]
[US: ˈwʊd]

; The waiter said he would be right back. - O garçom disse que voltaria logo.verb

would (indicating an action or state that is conditional on another)
[UK: wʊd]
[US: ˈwʊd]

use the conditional tense; We would be warmer if you hadn't opened the window! - Teríamos mais calor se você não tivesse aberto a janela.verb

would (used to express a polite request)
[UK: wʊd]
[US: ˈwʊd]

; Me faria a gentileza de desligar a televisãoverb

; Poderia desligar a televisãoverb

por favor; Would you please turn off the TV? - Pode desligar a televisãoverb

por favor?verb

would like (transitive)


would you mind putting on your seat belt (would you mind putting on your seat belt?)

você poderia colocar o cinto de segurança?phrase

do unto others as you would have them do unto you (One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself)

faça aos outros o que quer que façam a vocêphrase

who would have thunk it (who would have guessed it?)

quem diria?phrase