Angol-Lengyel szótár »

sunday lengyelül

Sunday noun
day of the week


Sunday driver noun
one who drives slowly

niedzielny kierowcanoun

Sunday-go-to-meeting adjective
suitable for wearing to church


Advent Sunday noun
fourth Sunday before Christmas Day, the start of Advent

niedziela adwentunoun

Easter Sunday noun
Easter Sunday

Niedziela Wielkanocnanoun

never in a month of Sundays adverb
at no time

na Święty Nigdyadverb

Palm Sunday noun
Sunday before Easter

Niedziela Palmowanoun

Trinity Sunday noun
Sunday after Whitsunday

Święto Trójcy Świętejnoun

Whitsunday noun
the Sunday of the feast of Pentecost


Zesłanie Ducha Świętegonoun

Zielone Świątkinoun

Zielone Świętanoun