Angol-Lengyel szótár »

means lengyelül

means noun
instrument or condition for attaining a purpose



means of production noun
combination of the means of labor and the subject of labor

środki produkcjinoun

means of transport

środek transportu

means of transportation noun
general term for the different kinds of transport facilities that are often used to transport people or cargo in many ways

środek transportunoun

means to an end noun
method by which a goal is achieved

środek do celunoun

by all means emphatically yes, definitely

jak najbardziej


ze wszech miar

by means of By using

przy pomocy

przy użyciu

za pomocą

by no means certainly not


live beyond one's means verb

żyć ponad stanverb

the end justifies the means morally wrong actions are sometimes necessary

cel uświęca środki