Angol-Lengyel szótár »

-an lengyelül

-an of or pertaining to




-nd second


-ness appended to adjectives to form nouns meaning "the state of being...", "the quality of being...", or "the measure of being..."



-nomy system of rules, laws, or knowledge about a particular field


10 anthracene- di- -one

kwas ruberytrynowy

5 tri- hydroxy- oxan- 2 -yl oxy- methyl- oxan- 2 -yl oxy- anthracene- 9

kwas ruberytrynowy

a an


a day late and a dollar short adverb
adverbial use of the adjectival form

rychło w czasadverb

a hundredth anniversary


a man sturdy as an oak

chłop jak dąb

acetic anhydride

bezwodnik octowy

acute angle noun
angle measuring less than ninety degrees

kąt ostrynoun

acute-angled adjective


Adam and Eve noun
the first man and woman (according to Genesis)

Adam i Ewanoun

Addison–Biermer anemia

niedokrwistość Addisona-Biermera

Addison's anemia

niedokrwistość Addisona-Biermera

again and again adverb

raz po razadverb


al-Andalus noun
Islamic Spain


Alcoholics Anonymous noun
proper noun

Anonimowi Alkoholicynoun

alive and kicking adjective
healthy, especially in opposition to other circumstances

o dobrym zdrowiuadjective

all and sundry pronoun
all; everyone

(wszystkie) i bez wyjątkupronoun

all and sundry pronoun
each one

(wszystkie) i bez wyjątkupronoun

all bark and no bite adjective
full of big talk

krowa, która dużo ryczy, mało mleka dajeadjective

all brawn and no brain

wysoki jak brzoza, a głupi jak koza

all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy too much hard work

nie samą pracą żyje człowiek

all's fair in love and war unpleasant behavior is acceptable during love and conflict

w miłości i na wojnie wszystko jest dozwolone

alpha and omega noun
the first and the last

alfa i omeganoun

altum angelfish

żaglowiec wysoki

Amazonian antshrike noun
Thamnophilus amazonicus

chronka amazońskanoun

an arm and a leg noun
exorbitant amount

kosztować mająteknoun

anaesthetise anaesthetize


Antigua and Barbuda noun

Antigua i Barbudanoun

antipodean Antipodean


antipodes Antipodes


aplastic anemia noun
rare disease

anemia aplastycznanoun

niedokrwistość aplastycznanoun

apples and oranges noun
non-comparable items

dwie różne rzeczynoun