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connected latinul

connected adjective
[UK: kə.ˈnek.tɪd]
[US: kə.ˈnek.təd]

consocius [consocia, consocium]adjective

connect [connected, connecting, connects] verb
[UK: kə.ˈnekt]
[US: kə.ˈnekt]

concateno [concatenare, concatenavi, concatenatus](1st) TRANS

connected, coherent (literary composition) adjective

contextus [contexta, contextum]adjective

connected / contemporary (time), continuous adjective

conjunctus [conjuncta, conjunctum]adjective

connected in space, adjoining, contiguous adjective

junctus [juncta -um, junctior -or -us, junctissimus -a -um]adjective

connected together (L+S) adverb


connected with (signet) ring-makers adjective

anularius [anularia, anularium]adjective

connected with / frequenting tombs adjective

bustuarius [bustuaria, bustuarium]adjective

connected with / of darnel (weed found with wheat) adjective

aerinus [aerina, aerinum]adjective

connected with / suitable for moths adjective

blattarius [blattaria, blattarium]adjective

connected with / used for crowns / garlands / wreaths or the manufacture adjective

coronarius [coronaria, coronarium]adjective

connected with Ambrussum in Gallia Narbonensis (?) adjective

ambrosialis [ambrosialis, ambrosiale]adjective

connected with birth, inborn adjective

genitalis [genitalis, genitale]adjective

connected with burning for lime adjective

calcariarius [calcariaria, calcariarium]adjective

connected with business of forum adjective

circumforanus [circumforana, circumforanum]adjective

connected with duty / office / service / obligation adjective

officialis [officialis, officiale]adjective

connected with emmer (wheat) production adjective

alicarius [alicaria, alicarium]adjective

halicacius [halicacia, halicacium]adjective

connected with making of papyrus / paper adjective

chartarius [chartaria, chartarium]adjective

connected with sport or the stage adjective

ludicer [ludicera, ludicerum]adjective

ludicrus [ludicra, ludicrum]adjective

connected with sunset / evening adjective

occidens [(gen.), occidentis]adjective

connected with thunderbolts / thunder / lightning adjective

ceraunius [ceraunia, ceraunium]adjective

connected with winter solstice / winter adjective

brumalis [brumalis, brumale]adjective

connected word / proposition noun

conjunctum [conjuncti](2nd) N

connectedly adverb
[UK: kəˈnɛktɪdli ]
[US: kəˈnɛktədli ]


connectedly, jointly adverb



(rites) connected with them] adjective

Consens [(gen.), Consentis]adjective

as compound word, connectedly adverb


Asiatic, of / connected with Asia / the East / Asia Minor adjective

Asiaticus [Asiatica, Asiaticum]adjective

barley-, of / connected to barley adjective

fordeaceus [fordeacea, fordeaceum]adjective

fordearius [fordearia, fordearium]adjective

fordiaceus [fordiacea, fordiaceum]adjective

fordiarius [fordiaria, fordiarium]adjective

hordeaceus [hordeacea, hordeaceum]adjective

hordeacius [hordeacia, hordeacium]adjective

hordearius [hordearia, hordearium]adjective

hordiaceus [hordiacea, hordiaceum]adjective

hordiacius [hordiacia, hordiacium]adjective