Angol-Kínai szótár »

west kínaiul

west [Wests] (compass point)
[UK: west]
[US: ˈwest]

西 /xī/noun

西方 /xīfāng/noun

West (Western world)
proper noun
[UK: west]
[US: ˈwest]

欧美 /Ōu-Měi/proper noun

歐美proper noun

西方 /Xīfāng/proper noun

西洋 /Xīyáng/proper noun

West Africa (An area of west Africa, spanning 16 African countries)
proper noun

西非 /Xīfēi/proper noun

West Asia (the westernmost subregion of Asia)
proper noun

Xīyǎ/proper noun

西亚 /Xīyàproper noun

西亞proper noun

West Asian (a person from West Asia)


西亚人 /Xīyàrénnoun


West Asian (of, from, or pertaining to West Asia)

Xīyǎ de/adjective

西亚的 /Xīyà deadjective


West Bank (territory)
proper noun
[UK: west bæŋk]
[US: ˈwest ˈbæŋk]

約旦河西岸地區proper noun

约旦河西岸地区 /Yuēdàn hé xī'àn dìqū/proper noun

西岸地区 /Xī'àn dìqū/proper noun

西岸地區proper noun

West Bengal (state)
proper noun
[UK: west ˌben.ˈɡɔːl]
[US: ˈwest ˈbeŋ.ɡəl]

西孟加拉邦 /Xī-Mèngjiālā-bāng/proper noun

West Berlin (western Berlin between 1949 and 1990)
proper noun
[UK: west bɜː.ˈlɪn]
[US: ˈwest bər.ˈlɪn]

西柏林 /Xī-Bólín/proper noun

West Coast (the western seaboard of the contiguous United States)
proper noun
[UK: west kəʊst]
[US: ˈwest koʊst]

西岸 /xī'àn/proper noun

西海岸 /xīhǎi'àn/proper noun

West Frisian (language spoken in Friesland)
proper noun

弗里西亚语 /Fúlǐxīyà yǔ/proper noun

弗里西亞語proper noun

West Germany (former European country)
proper noun
[UK: west ˈdʒɜː.mə.ni]
[US: ˈwest ˈdʒɝː.mə.ni]

西德 /Xī Dé/proper noun

West Indies (islands of the Caribbean sea)
proper noun

西印度群岛 /Xī Yìndù qúndǎo/proper noun

西印度群島proper noun

West Jerusalem (western sector of Jerusalem)
proper noun

西耶路撒冷 /Xī Yēlùsālěng/proper noun

West Lake (lake)
proper noun

西湖 /Xī Hú/proper noun

West Point (place in the United States)
proper noun

西点 /xīdiǎn/proper noun

西點proper noun

West Prussia (historical province of Germany)
proper noun

西普魯士proper noun

西普鲁士 /Xī Pǔlǔshì/proper noun

West Virginia (US state)
proper noun
[UK: west və.ˈdʒɪ.nɪə]
[US: ˈwest vər.ˈdʒɪ.njə]

西維吉尼亞proper noun

西维吉尼亚 /Xī-Wéijíníyà/proper noun

West Wing (part of the White House)
proper noun

白宫西厢办公室 /báigōng xīxiāng bàngōngshì/proper noun

白宮西廂辦公室proper noun

Westcentrism (practice)

西方中心主义 /xīfāngzhōngxīnzhǔyì/noun