Angol-Kínai szótár »

qing kínaiul

Qing (Chinese dynasty)
proper noun
[UK: tɕʰɪŋ]
[US: ˈkɪŋ]

大清 /Dà qīng/proper noun

清 /Qīng/proper noun

清朝 /Qīng cháo/proper noun

Qing dynasty (last dynasty of China)
proper noun

清 /Qīng/proper noun

清朝 /Qīng cháo/proper noun

Qingdao (large city in China)
proper noun
[UK: ˈtʃɪŋ.ˈdaʊ]
[US: ˈtʃɪŋ.ˈdaʊ]

靑島proper noun

青岛 /Qīngdǎo/proper noun

青島proper noun

Qingfeng (county)
proper noun

清丰proper noun

清豐proper noun

Qinggil (county)
proper noun

青河 /Qīnghé/proper noun

Qinghai (a Chinese province)
proper noun

靑海proper noun

青海 /Qīnghǎi/proper noun

Qingjian (county)
proper noun

清涧proper noun

清澗proper noun

Qingjiangpu (a district in eastern China)
proper noun

清江浦 /Qīngjiāngpǔ/proper noun

Qingpu (District of Shanghai, China)
proper noun

青浦 /Qīngpǔ/proper noun

Qingshan (district in central China)
proper noun

青山 /Qīngshān/proper noun

Qingtongxia (county-level city)
proper noun

青銅峽proper noun

青铜峡 /Qīngtóngxiá/proper noun

Qingxu (county)
proper noun

清徐proper noun

Qingyuan (district)
proper noun

清苑 /Qīngyuàn/proper noun

Qingyuan (prefecture-level city in Guangdong)
proper noun

清远 /Qīngyuǎn/proper noun

清遠proper noun

Anqing (prefecture-level city in Anhui)
proper noun

安慶 安庆 /Ānqìng/proper noun

bianqing (sounding stones)


编磬 /biānqìng/noun

Chongqing (a municipality in western China)
proper noun
[UK: ˌtʃɒŋˈkɪŋ]
[US: ˌtʃɒŋˈkɪŋ]

重庆 /Chóngqìng/proper noun

重慶proper noun

Chongqing chicken (dish)


辣子鸡 /làzijī/noun

Chongqing dog (dog breed)


Daqing (a city of China)
proper noun

大庆 /Dàqìng/proper noun

大慶proper noun

Fuqing (county-level city in Fujian)
proper noun

福清 /Fúqīng/proper noun

Gongqingcheng (sub-prefecture-level city in Jiangxi)
proper noun

共青城 /Gòngqīngchéng/proper noun

guoqing (special national situation of China)

国情 /guóqíng/noun


Wuqing (district in northern China)
proper noun

武清 /Wǔqīng/proper noun

Xingqing (district)
proper noun

兴庆proper noun


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