Angol-Arab szótár »

voicing arabul

Találatok: voice
Inkább ezt keresem: voicing
voice message message left on a voice mail system

رِسَالَة صَوْتِيَّةf

voiced sounded with vibration of the vocal cords


voiceless phonetics, of a consonant: spoken without vibration of the vocal cords


voicemail system

بَرِيد صَوْتِيّm

active voice the form in which the subject of a verb carries out some action

صِيغَة مَعْلُومf

مَبْنِيّ لِلْمَعْلُومm

invoice bill


passive voice grammatical term

صِيغَة مَجْهُولf

مَبْنِي مَجْهُولm

raise one's voice

رَفَعَ صوتصَوْتَهُ