Angol-Arab szótár »

brained arabul

Találatok: brain
Inkább ezt keresem: brained
brain organ



brain cancer cancer of the brain

سَرَطَان اَلدِّمَاغm

brain death irreversible cessation of brain activity

موت دماغي

brain drain emigration of educated people

هِجْرَة الأَدْمِغَةf

هِجْرَة العُقُولf

brain stem part of the brain that connects the spinal cord to the forebrain and cerebrum

جِذْع الدِمَاغ

brain-washing form of indoctrination

غَسِيل دِمَاغm

غَسِيل مُخّm

brainwash to affect one's mind

ّغَسَلَ المُخ