Angol-Arab szótár »

appended arabul

Találatok: append
Inkább ezt keresem: appended
appendectomy surgical procedure

اِسْتِئْصَال الزَائِدَة الدُودِيَّةm

appendicitis inflammation of the vermiform appendix

الْتِهابُ الزَّائِدَةِ الدُّودِيَّةm

appendix text added to the end of a book or an article


vermiform appendix blind tube projecting from the caecum

اَلزَّائِدَة اَلدُّودِيَّةf

اَلْمُصْرَان اَلْأَعْوَرm

زَائِدَة دُودِيَّةf