Ungersk-Svenska medicinsk ordbok »

pulpa betyder på svenska medicinsk

UngerskaSvenska medicinsk
fogbél foggyökéri része · gyökérpulpa [pulpa radicularis dentis] inforoot pulp, part of the tooth root

rotpulpa -n rotpulporinfoden den del som fyller rotens pulparum

fogbél vérellátása [plexura vascularis pulpae, vascularisatio pulpalis] infoblood supply of dental pulp

pulpal blodtillförselinfopulpal vaskulär plexures, pulpal vaskularisering

fogbél · fogpulpa [pulpa dentis] infodental pulp, the center part of a tooth comprised of connective tissue, blood vessels, and cells

dentalpulp -en -er

fogbélpolip [polypus pulpae] infopulpal polyp, overgrowth of the pulp tissue outside the boundary of a tooth's pulp chamber

pulp polypinfopulpapolyp

fogbélsorvadás [pulpal degeneration] infopulpal degeneration, pulp degeneration, degeneration of dental pulp, is related to dental pulp calcification and hypercementosis

pulp degeneration

fogbélszövet-maradvány [detritus pulpalis] inforesidual pulp tissue, bacteria and dentin debris may persist in the irregularities of root canal systems

rest pulpavävnad

fogpulpagyulladás · fogbélgyulladás [pulpitis] infopulpitis, dental pulp inflammation

pulpainflammation -en -er

fogpulpát bélelő hártya [membrana eboris] infomembrana eboris, the lining membrane of the pulp cavity of a tooth

pulpamembran -et · -en - · -er

indirekt pulpasapkázás infoindirect pulp capping

indirekt pulpaöverkappning

intrapulpális anestesia · intrapulpális érzéstelenítés [an[a]esthesia intrapulpalis] infointrapulpal anesthesia

intrapulpal anestesiinfointrapulpal bedövning

intrapulpális vérzés [haemorrhagia intrapulpalis] infointrapulpal hemorrhage, intrapulpal bleeding

intrapulpal blödning

intrapulpális · fogpulpán belüli [intrapulpalis] infointrapulpal, within the dental pulp, within the pulp of the tooth

intrapulpal -t -a

kemény fogpulpaképződmény [formatio denticuli] infodental pulp neoplasm, DPN, rare tumor of the dental pulp tissue which is not exposed to the oral cavity

hård nybildning i tandpulpan

koronai pulpa infocoronal pulp, occupies the crown of the tooth and has six surfaces; occlusal, mesial, distal, buccal, lingual and the floor

koronal pulpa

koronapulpa [pulpa coronalis] infocoronal pulp, occupies the crown of the tooth and has six surfaces; occlusal, mesial, distal, buccal, lingual and the floor

kronpulpa -n kronpulporinfoden del som fyller kronans pulparum

lábujjbegy · talppárna · ujjbegy · ujjpárna [pulpa digitalis] infofleshy underside of the toe and sole

trampdyna -n trampdynor

lép pulpa [pulpa lienis] infospleen pulp, the splenic parenchyma is made mostly of white and red pulp

mjältpulpa -n mjältpulpor

lép pulpája [pulpa lienis] infospleen pulp, the white pulp is lymphoid tissue that usually surrounds splenic blood vessels

pulpa av mjälte

lépparenchima [pulpa lienalis] infosplenic parenchyma

mjältparenkym -et -

lépsejtköteg · pulpaköteg infospleen cell bundle, pulp bundle

pulpsträng -en -ar

megnyílt pulpa infoopened pulp

öppen pulpainfopulpainvolvering

nem csavarmenetes parapulpális csap infofrictionretained stift

frictionretained stift

oldalsó pulpacsatornácska [canaliculus radicularis lateralis] infolateral root canal, accessory canal, located in the coronal or middle third of the root

lateral pulpcanaliculus

parapulpális tömést rögzítő dentincsavar [retenciós eszköz] infoparapulpal pin, used to fix plastic filling materials [amalgam, composites] or core deposits in the dentin

dentinstift -et -

radikuláris pulpa · gyökérpulpa [pulpa radicularis] inforadicular pulp, section through the apical end of a developing root

radikulär pulpa

vörös lépbél · vörös léppulpa infored pulp, red pulp of the spleen, composed of connective tissue [cords of Billroth] and many splenic sinusoids that are engorged with blood

röd mjältpulpainfomjälten består av venösa pulpsinus o. pulpstränga

zománcpulpa infoenamel pulp, dental pulp, the teeth has a jelly-like core called tooth pulp

emaljpulpa -n emaljpulpor