Ungersk-Svenska medicinsk ordbok »

lapát betyder på svenska medicinsk

UngerskaSvenska medicinsk
lapátos porc [cartilago xiphoidea, processus xiphoideus] infoxiphoid process, a tiny bone structure located at the center of the chest, just below the lower part of the sternum

skovelbrosk -et -

lapátos porcnál összefüggő szimmetriás kettős torz [f.r.] [xiphopagus] infoxiphopage, contiguous symmetrical double monster at the scapular cartilage

xifopag -en -er

a csípőcsont szárnya · a csípőlapát [ala ossis ilii] infoala ossis ilii, the upper flaring portion of the ilium that provides a broad surface for attachment of iliac and gluteal muscles

övre kanten av tarmben

csípőlapát [ala ossis ilii] infoala ossis ilii, the upper flaring portion of the ilium that provides a broad surface for attachment of iliac and gluteal muscles

illium iliet

csípőlapát elülső alsó csípőtövis [spina iliaca anterior inferior] infoanterior inferior iliac spine, a bony prominence located on the anterior margin of the ilium

ileumskaft -et -

csípőlapát törése [fractura alae ossis ilii] infohip fracture, broken hip, a partial or complete break of the femur

fraktur på ilium

kazánfűtő görcs · szénlapátoló görcs infostoker's cramp, stokers spasm, caused by excessive salt loss through perspiration

eldarkramp -en -arinfokramptillstånd som beror på en rubbning av kroppens vätske- o. saltbalans

medencelapát [ilium] infoilium, the large broad bone forming the upper part of each half of the pelvis

bäckenskovel -n bäckenskovlar