Ungersk-Svenska medicinsk ordbok »

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UngerskaSvenska medicinsk
hajlat az arcidegcsatorna horizontális szakaszán [geniculum canalis nervi facialis] infogeniculum of facial canal, Fallopian canal, is a Z-shaped canal running through the temporal bone of the skull

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hajlatredő · könyökredő [chelidon, fossa cubitalis] infocubital fossa, chelidon, elbow pit

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a belső idegrostok térdhajlata [genu capsulae internae] infogenu capsulae internae, The genu of internal capsule is the flexure of the internal capsule. It is formed by fibers from the corticonuclear tracts

inre nervtrådskapselns knä

a combhajlatjoz tartozó · combhajlati · lágyéki [inguinalis] infoinguinal, belonging to groin

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a térdhajlathoz tartozó · térdhajlati [popliteus] infopopliteal, elating to or situated in the hollow at the back of the knee

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adductor csatorna [itt jutnak a comb belső harmadában futó erek a térdhajlatba] [canalis adductorius [Hunteri] infohere the blood vessels running in the inner third of the thigh get to the knee flexion, adductor canal, subsartorial canal or Hunter's canal

adduktorkanal -eninfohär kommer blodkärlen som går i den inre tredjedelen av låret till knäböjningen

baloldali térdhajlati artéria · baloldali térdhajlati ütőér · baloldali térdhajlati verőér [arteria poplitea sinistra] infoleft popliteal artery

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behajlás · elhajlás · flexió · hajlat · hajtás · meghajlás [flexio, inclinatio, incurvatio] infoflexion

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csűdekcéma · csűdsömör [P: Dermatophilus congolensis, Staphylococcus sp.p, gomba, rühatka] [mechanikai bőrkárosodás okozta fájdalmas gyulladás ló csüdhajlatában] [dermatophilosis, streptothricosis] infodermatophilosis, streptothricosis, rain rot, rain scald, mud fever, tufailosis, a skin infection on the paster of horse

mugg -eninforegnskållor, streptotrikos, karleder drabbas

epésbél hajlata [flexura duodeni] infoduodenal flexure, the duodenojejunal flexure or duodenojejunal junction is the border between the duodenum and the jejunum

krök på duodenum

epésbél-éhbél görbület · epésbél-éhbéli hajlat [flexura duodenojejunalis] infoduodenojejunal flexure, duodenojejunal junction, the border between the duodenum and the jejunum

flexura duodenojejunalis

erythrasma · nagy hajlatok bőrfertőzése [P: Corynebakterium minutissium] [erythrasma] infoerythrasma, a superficial skin infection that causes brown, scaly skin patches

erytrasma -n erytrasmor

gerincoszlop hátradomborodó hajlata [kyphosis] infokyphosis, curvature of the spine that causes the top of the back to appear more rounded than normal

dorsaltkonvexkrökning av ryggraden

jobboldali térdhajlati artéria · jobboldali térdhajlati ütőér · jobboldali térdhajlati verőér [arteria poplitea dextra] inforight popliteal artery, the primary vascular supply in the region of the knee and lower leg

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kérgestest elülső hajlata [genu corporis callosi] infogenu of corpus callosum, the anterior extremity of the corpus callosum

böjning i slutet av corpus callosum

könyök belső felülete · könyökhajlat [facies interna cubiti] infocubital fossa, chelidon, elbow pit

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könyökhajlat [fossa cubitalis] infocubital fossa, chelidon, elbow pit

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könyökhajlat-ekcéma [eczema fossae cubitalis] infoelbow eczema, eczema in the cubital fossa, the skin red and itchy

böjveckseksem -et - · -er -infoatopisk dermatit

lágyékhajlatbőr Epidermophyton-fertőzése [epidermophytia inguinalis, ekzema marginatum Hebrae] infojock itch, a fungal skin infection that causes an itchy rash in warm, moist areas of the body. The rash often affects the groin and inner thighs and may be shaped like a ring

inguinal epidermophytia

térdhajlat [fossa poplitea, poples] infopopliteal fossa, a diamond-shaped space behind the knee joint

böjveck på knäts baksidainforombformat utrymme bakom knäleden

térdhajlati artéria · térdhajlati ütőér · térdhajlati verőér [arteria poplitea] infopopliteal artery, primary vascular supply in the region of the knee and lower leg

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térdhajlati artéria · térdhajlati ütőér · térdhajlati verőér [arteria poplitea] infopopliteal artery, the primary vascular supply in the region of the knee and lower leg

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térdhajlati ciszta · Baker ciszta [cysta poplitealis] infoBaker's cyst, popliteal cyst

knäveckscysta -n knäveckscystor ! ÁT O

térdhajlati izom [musculus popliteus] infopopliteus, a thin muscle at the back of the knee that bends the leg and rotates the femur

popliteus -en

térdhajlati izom nyálkatömlője [bursa musculi poplitei] infopopliteus bursa, an expansion of the synovial membrane between the posterior portion of the lateral meniscus

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térdhajlati nyirokcsomó [lymphonodus poplitealis] infopopliteal lymph node, deep structures encountered under the investing fascia of the leg

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térdhajlati véna [vena poplitea] infopopliteal vein runs up the back of the knee and carries blood from the lower leg to the heart

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térdhajlati véna · térdhajlati visszér [vena poplitea] infopopliteal vein, located posterior to the knee in the popliteal region that is a major route for venous return from the lower leg

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térdhajlatpólya [fascia poplitea] infopopliteal fascia, fascia of the popliteus, the single aponeurotic sheet covering the popliteal fossa

popliteal fascia