Ungersk-Svenska medicinsk ordbok »

golgi betyder på svenska medicinsk

UngerskaSvenska medicinsk
Golgi-apparátus [apparatus Golgi, diktyosom] infodiktyosom, net-like structures of flat, membrane-bound sacs termed cisternae found in the Golgi apparatus

Golgiapparat -en -erinfoGolgikropp, Golgiorgan, cellorganell i alla celler [utom bakterier]

Golgi-féle ínszerv · Golgi-féle végkészülék infoGolgi tendon organ, a tree-like sensory ending enclosed in a spindle-like connective tissue capsule, that lies near the junction of a tendon with a muscle

Golgis senorgan

Golgi I típusú neuron infoGolgi type I neuron, medium to large cells with dense dendritic trees and dendritic protrusions and short hair-like appendage

Golgi typ I neuron

Golgi II típusú neuron infoGolgi type II neuron, having short axons or no axon at all

Golgi typ II neuron

Golgi-komplex [Golgi complex] infoGolgi complex, A stack of small flat sacs formed by membranes inside the cell's cytoplasm

Golgikomplex -et -

Golgi-Mazzoni-testecskék infoGolgi-Mazzoni corpuscles, encapsulated ending of a sensory nerve occurring in the deep layers of the skin

Golgi-Mazzoni korpusklerinfoGolgi-Mazzonis kroppar

Golgi-neuron infoGolgi neuron, the main inhibitory interneuron in the granule cell layer, GCL, of the cerebellum and provide the only source of inhibition to cerebellar granule cells

Golgi-neuron -et -er · -

Golgisejt [cellula axiramificata] infoGolgi cell, inhibitory interneuron found within the granular layer of the cerebellum

Golgi cellinfoGolgicell