Ungersk-Svenska medicinsk ordbok »

glia betyder på svenska medicinsk

UngerskaSvenska medicinsk
glia [glia] infoglia, glial cells [gliocytes], neuroglia, non-neuronal cells in the central nervous system

glia -n gliorinfogliacell, stödjevävnad i det centrala nervsystemet

gliadin · prolamin [gliadinum, prolaminum] infogliadin [a type of prolamin], a class of proteins present in wheat and several other cereals within the grass genus Triticum

gliadin -etinfoprotein som finns i vete- o. ragkorn, ingår i gluten

gliarostok megszaporodása [gliosis fibrosa] infofibrous gliosis, a fibrous proliferation of glial cells in injured areas of the CNS

fibrös glios

gliasejt-proliferáció [proliferatio gliae] infoglial cell proliferation

gliacellsproliferation -en -er

gliasejt-réteg infoglial cell layer


gliasejt · neuroglia-sejt [spongiocyta] infospongiocyte, any of the cells of the neuroglia that have spongy vacuolated protoplasm

neuroglia cellinfoneuroglia

gliasejtes tok [capsula gliacellularis] infoglial capsule, satellite glial cells, amphicytes, glial cells that cover the surface of neuron cell bodies in ganglia of the peripheral nervous system

gliacellskapsel -n gliacellskapslar

gliaszövet [tela gliae] infoglial tissue

gliavävnad -en -er

gliaszövet rosszindulatú daganata [glioma maligna] infomalignant glioma, a malignant brain tumour

malignt gliom

gliaszövetdaganat · glióma · retinoblasztóma-glióma · szemideghártya daganata [glioma retinae retinoblastoma] inforetinoblastoma, an eye cancer that begins in the retina

gliom -et -

agyi makrofág [microglia] infomicroglia, the primary immune cells of the central nervous system

hjärnmakrofag -en -er

asztroglia · csillagsejtekből álló támasztószövet [astroglia, neuroglia] infoastroglia, glial tissue composed of astrocytes

astroglia -n astroglior

asztrogliamembrán infoastroglia membrane

astrogliamembran -et -

autonóm ganglionok [ganglia autonomica, ganglia plexura autonomicorum] infoautonomic ganglia

autonomiska ganglier

autonóm ganglionok [ganglia pelvina] infoganglia pelvina, hypogastric ganglia

autonoma ganglier

burjánzó glia-, idegsejtekből álló daganat [ganglioglioma] infoganglioglioma, a very rare type of glioma brain tumour that contains a mixture of neuronal and glial cells, that commonly causes seizures

gangliogliom -eninfosmärtfria tumörer bestående av neoplastisk glia- o. nervcellsvävnad

búzaliszt-intolerancia · cöliákia · gliadinintolerancia · lisztérzékenység [coeliacia, glutenenteropathia, non-tropical sprue, NTS] infoceliac disease, non-tropical sprue, celiac sprue, gluten intolerance, gluten-sensitive enteropathy

celiaki -ninfoglutenintolerans

centrális glia [glia centralis] infocentral glia, astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, microglial cells

central glia

diffúz gliózis · gliaszaporodás nagyobb területen [gliosis diffusa] infodiffuse gliosis

diffus glios

enterikus gliasejtek infoenteric glial cells, EGCs, one of the major cell types of neural crest lineage distributed in the gastrointestinal tract

enteriska gliaceller

farkcsonti spinális ganglionok [ganglia spinalia coccygeales] infococcygeal ganglion, a small ganglion anterior to the coccyx

coccygeala dorsalrotsganglier

ganglia infoganglia


glioblasztóma · valódi gliadaganat [glioblastoma] infoglioblastoma, a type of cancer that starts in astrocytes that support nerve cells

glioblastom -et -infomycket elak tumörform

gliózis · neuroglia-szövet megszaporodása [glyosis] infogliosis, a process leading to scars in the central nervous system

glios -en -erinfobildande av ett tätt, fibröst nät av neuroglia

gócos gliaszaporodás [gliosis nodularis] infonodular gliosis, focal glial proliferation

nodulär glios

Hortega-sejt [microglia] infoHortega cell, microglia, small neuroglial cells that may become phagocytic in areas of neural damage or inflammation

Hortegacell -en -erinfomikroglia [blodkärlens endotel-, o. adventitialis celler]

idegrendszer támasztószövet [neuroglia] infoneuroglia, a class of cells in the brain and spinal cord that form a supporting structure for the neurons and provide them with insulation

stödjevävnad i nervsystemet

keresztcsonti spinális ganglionok · kereszttájéki spinális [ganglia spinalia sacralia] infosacral ganglia, a group of four ganglia situated along the inferior sacral [or pelvic] ends of the sympathetic trunks

sacrala dorsalrotsganglier

központi idegrendszer közös határolórétege [membrana glia limitans externa] infoglia limitans, the glial limiting membrane, between the pia mater and the cerebral cortex

glia limitans externa

macroglia-sejt [astroglia] infoastroglia, macroglia cell

stor neurogliacell

mellkasi ganglionok [ganglia thoracica] infothoracic ganglia, paravertebral ganglia

sympatiska gränssträngsganglier inom throrax

mellkasi spinális ganglionok [ganglia spinalia pectoralia, ganglia sensoria nervi spinalis] infodorsal root ganglion, a cluster of cell bodies in the dorsal root of a spinal nerve that carry sensory information to the spinal cord

bröstets spinalganglier

mesodermalis eredetű idegszöveti sejt [microglia, mesoglia] infomicroglial cell, mesoglia, ramified cells with multiple branches and processes, which extend from the somata and terminate with bulbous endings, mononuclear phagocytes

nervvävnad av mesodermala ursprung

mikroglia infomicroglia, primary immune cells of the central nervous system, similar to peripheral macrophages

mikroglia -n mikrogliorinfonervsystemets egen makrofag

neurogliasejt cystoplasmájának mitochondriuma [gliosoma] infogliosoma, mitochondrium of the cystoplasm of a neuroglial cell

neurogliacellens mitokondrium

neurogliaszövetet tartalmazó daganat [neuroglioma] infoneuroglioma, a tumor containing neuroglial tissue

neurogliom -et -

nyaki gerincvelői ganglionok · nyaki spinális ganglionok [ganglia spinalia cervicalia] infocervical spinal ganglia, superior cervical ganglia are involved in the autonomic nervous system

cervikala spinalganglier

nyaki spinális ganglionok [gangliae spinales cervicales] infocervical ganglia, paravertebral ganglia of the sympathetic nervous system

halsens dorsalrotsganglierinfohalsens spinalganglier

pituicita [gliasejt] [pituicyta] infopituicyte, glial cell, similar to astrocyte

pituicyt -en -erinforesidenta gliacell i den bakre loben av hypofysen

támasztósejt · agyi támasztószövet [glia] infoglia, the connective tissue of the nervous system

stödjecell -en -erinfostödjevävnad i hjärnan