Ungersk-Svenska medicinsk ordbok »

biogeográfiai térség [regio biogeographica] betyder på svenska medicinsk

UngerskaSvenska medicinsk
regionális nyirokterület inforegional lymph region, regional lymph zone

regional lymfregion

regionális enteritisz [enteritis regionalis, ileitis terminalis, morbus Crohn] infoCrohn's disease, regional enteritis, regional ileitis, a lifelong form of inflammatory bowel disease, IBD

terminal ileit

regionális enteritisz [enteritis regionalis, ileitis terminalis, morbus Crohn] inforegional enteritis, abnormal inflammation of the inner surface of the rectum and colon, which make up most of the length of the large intestine

morbus Crohn

regionális enteritisz [enteritis regionalis, ileitis terminalis, morbus Crohn] inforegional enteritis, Crohn's disease, inflammatory bowel disease, IBD, that may affect any segment of the gastrointestinal tract

mb. Crohn

conductiós an[a]esthesia · regionális érzéstelenítés [an[a]esthesia conductiva] infoconductive anesthesia, the administration of a drug or combination of drugs to interrupt nerve impulses without loss of consciousness

konduktion anestesi

komplex regionális fájdalom-tünetegyüttes · reflex sympaticus dystrophia [RSD] · Sudeckdystrophia · reflex dystrophia neurovascularis [RND] · algoneuro dystrophia [AND] causalgia [CRPS] infocomplex regional pain syndrome, CRPS

komplex regionalt smärt syndrom