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UngerskaSvenska medicinsk
artériacsipesz · artéria olló · artéria szorítócsipesz [T] infoartery forceps

artärklämma -n artärklämmor

artéria alatti [hyparterialis] infohyparterial, situated under an artery

under arteria

artéria repedés [dissectio arteriae] infoarterial rupture

artärdissekering -en -ar

elasztikus artéria infoelastic artery

elastisk artär

sövény artéria [arteria trabecularis] infotrabecular artery, the branch of the splenic artery, it passes into the trabeculae of the spleen

trabekelartär -en -er

centrális artéria [arteria centralis] infocentral artery, a branch of the ophthalmic artery

centralartär -en -er

csípőágyéki artéria [arteria iliolumbalis] infoiliolumbar artery, a branch of the common iliac artery

iliolumbal artär

artéria basilaris aneurisma [aneurisma arteriae basilaris] infobasilar trunk artery aneurysm, intracranial aneurysms

basilarartärbråck -et -eninfobasilarisaneurysm

artéria alatti hörgő [bronchus hyparterialis] infohyparterial bronchus

bronk under arteria

artéria basilaris obstructio [obstructio arteriae basilaris] infobasilar artery obstruction, a subset of posterior circulation strokes

basilarartärobstruktion -en -er

artéria coronaria bypass infocoronary artery bypass

aortokoronar bypass

artéria feletti hörgő [bronchus eparterialis] infoeparterial bronchus

bronk över arteria

elzáródásos artéria-gyulladás [arteritis obliterans] infoobstructive arteritis

obstruktiv inflammation av artär

centrális artéria-embolia [embolia arteriae centralis] infocentral artery embolism

centralartäremboli -n -er

leszálló szájpadi artéria [arteria palatina descendens] infodescending palatine artery, a branch of the third part of the maxillary artery supplying the hard and soft palate

fallande palatinartär

baloldali szárkapcsi artéria [arteria fibularis sinistra] infoleft fibular artrey, left peroneal artery, a branch of the posterior tibial artery that supplies the posterior and lateral compartments of the leg

höger vadbensartär

lapocka feletti artéria [arteria suprascapularis] infosuprascapular artery, a branch of the thyrocervical trunk, emerges from the first part of the subclavian artery

över skulderbladet liggande artär

csontközi visszatérő artéria [arteria recurrens interossea] infointerosseous recurrent artery, recurrent interosseous artery] is an artery of the forearm

återböjande mellanbensartär

szívburok-rekesz artéria [arteria pericardiacophrenica] infopericardiacophrenic artery

gren av arteria thoracica internainfoförsörjer del av diafragma

kar-fej artéria [arteria brachiocephalica] infobrachiocephalic artery, brachiocephalic, the brachiocephalic trunk

armhuvudstam -men -mar

kar-fej-artéria [arteria anonyma, -innominata, -brachiocephalica] infobrachiocephalic artery, brachiocephalic trunk, innominate artery, one of the three great vessels of the aortic arch that supplies blood to the head, neck and upper extremities

obenämnd artär

artéria középső rétegének gyulladása [mesarteritis] infomesarteritis, nflammation of the middle layer of an artery

mesarterit -en -er

bordaközi artéria átfúródó ágai [arteria intercostalis rami perforantes] infoperforating branches of intercostal artery

interkostal artär perforerande grenar

bordaközi artéria gerinci ága [arteria intercostalis ramus spinalis] infospinal branch of intercostal artery

interkostal artär pinal artär grenen

bordaközi artériati ága [arteria intercostalis ramus dorsalis] infodorsal branch of intercostal artery

interkostal artär dorsal gren

bordaközi artéria oldalsó bőrágai [arteria intercostalis rami cutanei laterales] infolateral cutaneous branches of the intercostal artery

interkostal artär laterala hudgrenar

bordaközi artéria izomi ágai [arteria intercostalis rami musculares] infomuscular branches of intercostal artery

interkostal artär muskulära grenar

számos artéria egyidejű gyulladása [polyarteritis] infopolyarteritis, simultaneous inflammation of several arteries

polyarterit -en -er

spontán koronális artéria disszekció infospontaneous coronary artery dissection, SCAD, a tear appears in the wall of a coronary artery, this can lead to a heart attack or cardiac arrest

spontan koronar artärdissekering [SCAD]

a felső bélfodri artéria [arteria mesenterica superior] infothe superior mesenteric artery, SMA

den övre mesenterica artär

hosszú körkörös agytörzsi artéria [arteria circumflexa longa] infolong circumferential arteries include the superior cerebellar artery, SCA, anterior inferior cerebellar artery, AICA, and the internal auditory artery

lång circumflex hjärnstamsartär

artéria · ütőér · verőér [arteria] infoartery, a major blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart

pulsåder -n pulsådror

artéria ecsetszerű szétágazódása · 'csodarece' [rete mirabile] inforete mirabile, a complex of arteries and veins lying very close to each other

fint nätverk av småla artärer

orsócsonti artéria felső kéztőcsonti ága [ramus carpeus dorsalis arteriae radialis] inforamus carpeus dorsalis arteriae radialis, a branch of the radial artery that passes to the back of the wrist to join the dorsal carpal network

handlovsgren av strålbensartär

bordaközi artéria középső emlői ágai [arteria intercostalis rami mammarii mediales] infomiddle mammary branches of intercostal artery

interkostal artär mediala bröstgrenar

bordaközi artéria átfúródó emlői ága [arteria intercostalis rami perforantes mammarii] infoperforating mammary branch of intercostal artery

interkostal artär grenar till brösten

bordaközi artéria oldalsó emlői ágai [an [arteria intercostalis rami mammarii laterales] infolateral mammary branches of intercostal artery

interkostal artär sidogrenar till brösten

mellkas-vállcsúcsi artéria deltaizomi ága [arteria thoracoacromialis ramus deltoideus] infodeltoid branch of the thoracoacromial artery

deltamuskels gren av arteria thoracoacromial

tulsó agyvelő artéria közlekedő ága [arteria communicans caudalis, arteria communicans posterior] infoposterior communicating artery, a branch of internal carotid artery

bakre sammanbindningsartär

ideghártyát ellátó artéria törzsének elzáródása [occlusio arteriae centralis retinae] infocentral retinal artery occlusion, CRAO, the sudden blockage of the central retinal artery, resulting in retinal hypoperfusion, rapidly progressive cellular damage, and vision loss

ögonslag -et -inforetinalartär ocklusion