Svensk-Ungerska medicinsk ordbok »

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SvenskaUngerska medicinsk
leversten -en -ar

májkő [lapis hepaticus]infoliver stone, gallstone, hardened deposits of bile that can form in the gallbladder

levertuberkulos -en -er

májgümőkór · májtuberkulózis [P: Mycobacterium tuberulosis] [tuberculosis hepatis]infohepatic tuberculosis has 3 forms: diffuse hepatic involvement [miliary tuberculosis], granulomatous hepatitis and focal/local tuberculoma or abscess

leveruppmjukning -en -ar

májlágyulás [hepatomalacia]infohepatomalacia, a softening of the liver

leverven -en -er

májgyűjtőér · májvéna [vena hepatica]infohepatic vein, carry the blood away from the liver and into the inferior vena cava

levervenstrombos -en -er

májvénatrombózis · Budd-Chiari-szindróma [thrombosis venae hepaticae]infohepatic vein thrombosis, Budd-Chiari syndrome, obstruction of this vein can be caused by a tumor or growth pressing on the vessel, or by a clot in the vessel

levodopa -t

Levodopa [Levodopum]infoLevodopa, combination of levodopa and carbidopa is used to treat the symptoms of Parkinson's disease and Parkinson's-like symptoms

levodropropizin -et

Levodropropizin [Levodropropizinum]infoLevodropropizine, a cough suppressant

levokabastin -et

Levokabastin [Levocabastinum]infoLevokabastine, a selective histamine H1 receptor antagonist indicated for the management of seasonal allergic conjunctivitis symptoms

levokabastinhydroklorid -en -er

Levokabasztin-hidroklorid [Levocabastini hydrochloricum]infoLevocabastin hydrochloride, an antihistamine eye drop used to treat symptoms of eye allergies, such as inflammation, itching, watering, and burning

levokarnitin -et

Levokarnitin [Levocarnitinum]infoLevocarnitine, used to treat carnitine deficiency or to stimulate gastric and pancreatic secretions in hyperlipoproteinemia

levomentol -et

Levomentol [Levomentholum]infoLevomenthol, used for treatment of headaches

levomepromazinhydroklorid -en -er

Levomepromazin-hidroklorid [Levomepromazini hydrochloricum]infoLevomepromazine hydrochloride, used to treat vomiting and feelings of nausea

levomepromazinmaleat -et

Levomepromazin-maleát [Levomepromazini maleas]infoLevomepromazine maleate, used to treat severe mental/mood disorders [such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder]

levometadonhydroklorid -en -er

Levometadon-hidroklorid [Levomethadoni hydrochloricum]infoLevomethadone hydrochloride, a synthetic opioid analgesic and antitussive

levonorgestrel -et

Levonorgesztrel [Levonorgestrelum]infoLevonorgestrel, used by women to prevent pregnancy after birth control failure [broken condom] or unprotected sex

levotyroxin -et

Levotiroxin [Levothyroxinum]infoLevothyroxin, used to treat hypothyroidism

levotyroxinnatrium -et · levotyroxinnatriet

Levotiroxin-nátrium [Levothyroxinum natricum]infoLevothyroxine sodium, T4, the hormone of choice for thyroid hormone replacement

levulinsyra -n levulinsyror

levulinsav [Acidum laevulinicum]infoLevulinic acid, used in organic synthesis of nylon, plastics, and pharmaceuticals

levulosuri -n

laevulózürítés a vizeletbe [laevulosuria]infolevulosuria, the presence of fructose in the urine

lewykropp -en -ar

Lewy-testinfoLewy body, clumps of proteins that build up inside certain neurons, causing damage to neurons in the areas of the brain that affect mental capabilities, behavior, movement and sleep

lewykroppsdemens -en infosynhallucinationer o. nedsatt uppmärksamhetsgrad med påtaglig trötthet

Lewy-testes betegséginfoLewy body disease, Lewy body dementia, LBD, a disease associated with abnormal deposits of a protein called alpha-synuclein in the brain

Leyden-Moebius-syndrom -et -

Leyden-Moebius-szindrómainfoLeyden-Moebius syndrome, musculare dystrophy involving first either the pelvic [Leyden-Möbius] or, less commonly, the shoulder girdle [Erb’s type]

Leydig-celler infoLeydigsk celler, testikulära interstitiella celler

Leydig-sejtekinfoLeydig cells, the primary source of testosterone or androgens in males


here interstitialis állományának tumora [leydigoma]infoLeydig cell tumour of the testis, Leydig cell tumor of the testis, the most common sex cord stromal tumor of the testis

Leydigs interstitiella celler

Leydig-féle interstitialis sejtekinfoLeydig cells, testicular interstitial cells, essential and crucial cells located in the testes of the male gonads

Leydigsk -t -a

Leydig-féle [pl. sejt]infoof Leydig

…-årsöverlevnad -en

… éves túlélés [annos … superstatus]info… -year survival

… av okänd anledning

ismeretlen okú … [idiopathicus, originalis]info… for unknown reasons

… med sfäriska celler

gömbsejtes …info… with spherical cells

… med två poler

bipoláris … · kétsarkú … · kétcsúcsú … · kétpólusú … [bipolaris]info… with two poles

… under äggledare

méhkürt alatti … [infratubalis]info… under fallopian tubes

… under tonsillen

mandula alatti … [infratonsillaris]info… under the tonsil

… vårde piller infopå recept

… hogy pilulák legyenek [ut fiant pilulae, ut f. pil.]info… care pills

… vid tillfälle

alkalomszerű …info… on occasion

…cele -t info…bråck

…kele · …sérv […kele…]info… cele

…kele -t info…bråck

… sérv [… hernia]info… kele

ledare -n · …ledarn

…vezető [pl. petevezető] · …vezeték · …vivő […phorus]info… tube


… általinfoby …, per …

lemmad …lemmat

… végtaggal bíró · … végtaggal ellátott · … végtagúinfowith limb …

…maleat -et

…-maleát [… maleas]info… maleat