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SvenskaUngerska medicinsk
lernaeosis [en]

lernaeózis [P: Lernaea cyprinacea horgonyféreg] [lernaeosis]infolernaeosis, Lernaea, anchorworm, infestations in fish skin

Lesch-Nyhans syndrom

Lesch-Nyhan-szindrómainfoLesch-Nyhan syndrome, an X-linked recessive genetic disorder often i male, impaired kidney function, acute gouty arthritis, and self-mutilating behaviors such as lip and finger biting and, or head banging

Leschke syndrom infooförklarad ärftlig pigment dystrofi

Leschke-szindrómainfoLeschke syndrome, growth retardation, intellectual disability, diabetes mellitus, genital hypoplasia, hyperthyroidism

letal -t -a

halálos · halált előidéző · halált okozó · letális [fatalis, letalis, mortalis, terminalis]infolethal, that lead to death

letal dos

halálos adag · letális dózis [dosis letalis, DL]infolethal dose, LD, an indication of the lethal toxicity of a given substance or type of radiation

letal dos av strålning

halálos sugáradag [lethal dose of radiation]infolethal dose of radiation

letal mutation

letális mutáció [mutatio lethalis]infolethal mutation, genetic mutations that lead to death whether over a period of time or immediately after the mutation occurs

letalfaktor -n -er

letális faktor · letális tényezőinfolethal factor, lethal mutant, lethal mutation, a gene that in some (as homozygous) conditions may prevent development or cause the death of an organism or its germ cells

letalgen -en -er

letális géninfolethal gene, a gene that in some (as homozygous) conditions may prevent development or cause the death of an organism or its germ cells

letalitet -en

betegség okozta elhalálozás · letalitás [lethalitas]infolethality, the capacity to cause death or serious harm or damage

letargi -n -er

álomkór · letargia · tompultság [letargia]infolethargy, a pathological state of sleepiness or deep unresponsiveness and inactivity

letargisk -t -a

letargikus · tompult [letargicus]infolethargic, a condition marked by drowsiness and an unusual lack of energy and mental alertness. It can be caused by many things, including illness, injury, or drugs

letrozol -et

Letrozol [Letrozolum]infoLetrozole, used for treating breast cancer

Letterer-Siwes sjukdom

Letterer-Siwe betegséginfoLetterer-Siwe disease, LSD, Abt-Letterer-Siwe disease, fever, anemia, thrombocytopenia, and the manifestations of histiocyte proliferation, including skin disorders

leucin-tRNA-ligas infoenzym

leucin-tRNS-ligázinfoleucine-tRNA-ligase enzyme, leucyl-tRNA synthetase, leucyl-transfer ribonucleate synthetase, leucyl-transfer RNA synthetase, leucyl-transfer ribonucleic acid synthetase, leucine-tRNA synthetase, leucine translase

leucin-utsöndring i urinen

leucin-ürítés a vizeletben [leucinuria]infoleucinuria, the presence of leucine in the urine

leucinos -en -er

leucinosis · juharszirup-betegség · juharszirup vizeletbetegség [hiányos keto-sav-dekarboxiláz] [leucinosis]infomaple syrup urine disease,MSUD, an inherited disorder in which the body is unable to process certain amino acids properly, sweet odor of affected infants' urine

leucism -en -er

leucizmus · leukocitózis ] [leucismus, leukocytosis]infoleukocytosis, an elevated white blood cell, WBC, count, typically above 11.0x10^9/l

leukaferes -en -er

fehérvérsejtek aferezises összegyűjtése [leukapheresis]infoleukapheresis, performed in cancer patients to harvest stem cells, manufacture therapeutic vaccines, follow immunologic response to therapy

leukemi hos katt

macskaleukaemia [P: Feline leukemia virus, FeLV] [leukaemia felis]infofeline leukemia

leukemihämmande faktor infoLeukocyter Hämmande faktor, LIF

leukaemiagátló faktorinfoleukemia inhibitory factor, LIF, a secreted cytokine, promotes long-term maintenance of embryonic stem cells

leukemiinfiltration -en -er

leukémiás beszűrődés · leukémiás infiltráció [infiltratio leukaemica]infoleukemic infiltration

leukemisk myosit

leucosisos izomgyulladás [myositis leukaemica]infoleukemic myositis

leukemisk retikuloendotelios inforetikulos

leukémiás retikuloendoteliózis · szőrsejtes leukaemia [reticuloendotheliosis leukaemica, reticulosis]infoleukemic reticuloendotheliosis, reticulosis, a progressive proliferative disorder in which abnormal lymphoid reticulum cells are found in blood, bone marrow, and spleen

leukemivirus hos katt

macskaleukózis vírus [leucosis felinae virus, FELV]infofeline leukemia virus, FeLV

leukemoid reaktion

leukemoid reakció [reactio leuchaemoidalis]infoleukemoid reaction. an increase in the white blood cell count, which can mimic leukemia

leukoagglutination -en -er infoleukocyt agglutination

leukociták összecsapódása [leukoagglutinatio]infoleukoagglutination, the clumping of white blood cells

leukoblast -en -er infoförstadium till vita blodkroppar

fehérvérsejt előstádiuma · fehérvérsejtőssejt [leucoblast]infoleukoblast, a developing white blood cell : a cellular precursor of a white blood cell

leukocyt esteras test [LET]

leukocitaészteráz-teszt [LET]infoleukocyte esterase test, LET, a screening test used to detect a substance that suggests there are white blood cells in the urine

leukocyt migration

leukocitamigrációinfoleukocyte migration, passage from the tissues to the blood and lymphatic vessels and from the vessels to the tissues [extravasation]

leukocytdiapedes -en -er

leukocita-diapedezis · fehérvérsejt-átlépés [diapedesis leukocytorum]infoleukocyte diapedesis, leukocyte extravasation, leukocyte adhesion cascade, the movement of leukocytes out of the circulatory system and towards the site of tissue damage or infection

leukocyternas mellanformer saknas i leukemiska blodet

leukaemiás vérképben a leukocyták köztialakjainak a hiánya [hiatus leukaemicus]infoleukemic hiatus, the presence of blasts and mature leukocytes but no intermediate form

leukocytinfiltration -en -er

leukocita-beszűrődés [infiltratio leukocitica]infoleukocyte infiltration, white blood cells move in response to cytokines from within the blood, into the diseased or infected tissues

leukocytinterferon -et -

leukocitainterferon [leucocyte interferon, lymphoblast interferon, alpha interferon]infointerferon-alpha,s produced predominantly by B lymphocytes but may be derived from leukocytes, lymphoblasts or by recombinant DNA technology

leukocytkoncentrat -et - infoleukocytplasmakoncentration

fehérvérsejt-koncentráció [concentratum leukocytorum]infoleukocyte concentration, concentration of the white blood cells, their normal concentration in blood varies between 4000 -10000 / microliter

leukocytmigration excitatoriska faktor [LMEF]

leukocitamigrációt fokozó faktorinfoleukocyte migration excitatory factor, LMEF

leukocytmigrationshämmande faktor

leukocitavándorlást gátló tényezőinfoleukocyte migration-inhibitory factor, LMIF

leukocyttransfusion -en -er

fehérvérsejt-transzfúzió · leukocita-transzfúzió [transfusio leukocytorum]infoleukocyte transfusion, white blood cell transfusion

leukoderma -n infopigmentlöshet i huden, vit hud

bőr pigmentszegény, - pigmentmentes depigmentaciója [leukoderma]infoleukoderma, achromoderma,a localised area of white depigmented skin due to total loss of epidermal melanin

leukodiapedesis [en]

fehérvérsejtek diapedesise [leukopedesis]infoleukopedesis, an outward flow of white blood cells through a blood-vessel wall