Svensk-Ungerska medicinsk ordbok »

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SvenskaUngerska medicinsk
ledutrymme -t -n

ízületi térinfojoint space

ledvätskeglukos -en

ízületi folyadék-glükóz [glucosum synovia]infosynovial fluid glucose, may be at least 25 mg/dl lower than a simultaneous blood glucose in the presence of bacterial infection

leflunomid -et

Leflunomid [Leflunomidum]infoLeflunomide, used to relieve symptoms caused by active rheumatoid arthritis, such as inflammation, swelling, stiffness, and joint pain

left anterior hemiblock [LAH]

bal elülső fascicularis blockinfoleft anterior fascicular block, LAFB, the normal electrical activity in the His-Purkinje system is delayed or interrupted

left posterior hemiblock [LPH]

bal hátsó fascicularis blockinfoleft posterior fascicular block, LPFB, an intraventricular conduction disturbance of the left posterior fascicle, LPF of the left bundle branch, LBB

Legg-Calvé-Perthes sjukdom infoaseptisk femoralis epifysnekros

Pertheskór [osteochondrosis juvenilis capitis femoris]infoPerthes disease, Legg-Calve-Perthes disease, the blood supply to the femoral head is disrupted, the bone starts to break down in 3-11 years old patients

legionärssjuka -n legionärssjukor infolegionella

légionáriusbetegség [heveny lebenyes tüdőgyulladás] [P: Legionella pneumophila] [legionellosis, legionnaires disease]infolegionnaires' disease, legionellosis, causes pneumonia

Leighs syndrom infosubakut nekrotiserande encefalomyelopati

Leigh-encephalomyopathiainfoLeigh encephalomyopathy, a rare inherited neurometabolic disorder that affects the central nervous system, begins in infants between the ages of 3 months and 2 years, causes poor sucking ability

Leiner syndrom infoinfantil erytematösa dermatos av ovisst ursprung

Leiner-szindrómainfoLeiner's disease, LD,s a rare and serious syndrome of infantile erythroderma of severe and progressive generalized seborrheic-like dermatitis, recalcitrant diarrhea, malabsorption, wasting and recurrent local and systemic infections

leiomyom -et -

leiomyoma [leiomyoma, myoma laevicellulare]infoleiomyoma, fibroids, a group of benign smooth muscle tumors commonly present in premenopausal women

leiomyomatos -en -er

leiomyomatózis [leiomyomatosis]infoleiomyomatosis, hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell cancer, HLRCC, a disorder in which affected individuals tend to develop benign tumors containing smooth muscle tissue in the skin and, in females, the uterus

leiomyosarkom -et -

leiomyoszarkóma [leiomyosarcoma, myosarcoma laevicellulare]infoleiomyosarcoma, LMS, a type of rare cancer that grows in the smooth muscles

Leishmania braziliensis infektion

Leishmania braziliensis fertőzés [P: Leishmania amazonensis, Leishmania braziliensis, Leishmania guyanensis, Leishmania panamensis] [Leishmaniasis americana]infoLeishmania braziliensis infection, mucosal leishmaniasis, 'espundia', causes destructive oral, nasal or pharyngeal lesions, associated with parasite virulence and cell-mediated immune response of the host

leishmania-infektion -en -er infoleishmanios

Leishmania-fertőzés [P: Leishmania amazonensis, Leishmania braziliensis, Leishmania guyanensis, Leishmania panamensis] [leishmaniasis]infoLeishmania infection, leishmaniasis

Leishmaniaparasit -en -er

Leishmánia-parazitainfoLeishmania parasite

Leitner-syndrom -et -

eosinophiliával járó tébécés-tüdőbeszűrődés [P: Mycobacterium tuberculosis]infoeosinophil polymorphonuclear leukocytes in TB

lektin -en -er

lektin [lectin]infoLectin, protein that bind to carbohydrates


korlátozott v. kiterjesztett lymphadenectomia gyomor-adenokarcinómában szenvedő, magas kockázatú időseknélinfoLELEGA, limited versus extended lymphadenectomy in high risk elderly with gastric adenocarcinoma

lemlängdsavvikelse -n -r

végtaghossz eltérés [az egyik láb vagy kar rövidebb, mint a másik láb vagy kar]infolimb-length discrepancy, one leg or arm is shorter than the other leg or arm

lemniskbana -n

hurokpálya · lemniszkuszpálya [tractus lemnisci]infolemniscus tract, the medial lemniscus, a second-order neuron of the dorsal column-medial lemniscus pathway, DCML, carries the sensory modalities of fine touch [tactile sensation], vibration and proprioception

lemniskkorsning -en -ar

lemniscus-kereszteződés [decussatio lemniscorum, DLM]infocrossing of the medial lemniscus

Leningrad-sjukan infoLeningradssjukan

Giardia lambliózis · leningrádi betegség [P: Giardia duodenalis, Giasrdia intestinalis]infoGiardia lambliosis, Leningrad disease, cause of diarrheal illness

Lennox-Gastauts syndrom infoepilepsi vid 2 till 6 års ålder

elvágódásos roham [Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome, LGS]infoLennox-Gastaut syndrome, LGS, a severe form of epilepsy, becomes apparent during infancy or early childhood

Lenoble- Aubineau syndrom infooförklarad heredofamiliaris nystagmus o. tremor

Lenoble-Aubineau-szindróma [myoclonia hereditaria musculi mentalis]infoLenoble-Aubineau syndrome, nystagmus-myoclonia syndrome,

lentikulär dermatofibrom

lentikuláris dermatofibróma [dermatofibroma lenticularis]infolenticular dermatofibroma

lepromatös -t -a

lepromás · lepromatózus [lepromatosus]infolepromatous, exhibiting, or being leprosy with infective superficial granulomatous nodules

lepromatös lepra

göbös lepra · lepromás lepra · lepromatosus lepra [P: Mycobacterium leprae] [lepra tuberculosa]infonodular leprosy, lepromatous leprosy, lepromatous leprosy, Hansen's disease, HD

lepromatösa hudtuberkler

göbös bőrképződmény leprában [leproma]infoleproma, nodular skin formation in leprosy

leptin -et

leptin [Leptin, OB protein]infoleptin, hormone, acts onthe brainstem and hypothalamus to regulate hunger and energy balance

leptofoni -n -er

leptofónia [leptophonia, microphonia]infoleptophonia, microphony, abnormally weak voice due to incoordination of the muscles concerned in vocalization

leptomeningit -en -er

lágyagyburok-gyulladás [leptomeningitis]infoleptomeningitis, inflammation of the pia mater and the arachnoid membrane

leptospirainfektion hos hund

ebek leptospirafertőzése [P: Leptospira ictero-haemorrhagiae, Leptospira canicola] [leptospirosis canis, icterus infectiosus canum]infoleptospira infection of dogs, illness include fever, chills, vomiting, muscle aches or diarrhea

leptospirainfektioner hos nötkreatur

szarvasmarhák leptospirafertőzése [P: Leptospira-fajok] [leptospirosis bovum]infoleptospira infection of cattles, in dairy and beef herds causing infertility, abortion and poor milk yield

leptospiros -en -er

leptospirózis [P: Leptospira-fajok] [leptospirosis]infoleptospirosis, leptospira infection, a zoonotic disease

leptospiros hos hund

ebtífusz · stuttgarti ebjárvány [P: Leptospira interrogans serovar. canicola] [Canicola leptospirosis]infoCanicola leptospirosis, enzootic diseases with reservoirs in skunks, foxes, rodents, livestock, and ducks

leptotrichosis [en]

Leptothrix-fertőzés [leptotrichosis]infoLeptothrix infection, leptotrichosis

Leri-Weill dyschondrosteosis [LWD]

Leri-Weill dyschondrosteosis [LWD]infoLéri-Weill dyschondrosteosis, LWD, a pseudoautosomal form of skeletal dysplasia

Leriche syndrom infoförträngning i aortans nedersta del

Leriche-szindrómainfoLeriche syndrome, aortoiliac occlusive disease, is caused by severe atherosclerosis affecting the distal abdominal aorta, iliac arteries, and femoro-popliteal vessels

lerkanidipin -et

Lerkanidipin [Lercanidipinum]infoLercanidipin, antihypertensive drug

Lermoyez syndrom infoanfall av yrsel av osäkert ursprung

Lermoyez-szindrómainfoLermoyez's syndrome, a rare variant of Menière's disease with hearing improvement and reduction of tinnitus during vertiginous attacks

