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SvenskaUngerska medicinsk
kodergokrinmesilat -et

Kodergokrin-mezilát [dihidroergotoxin-mezilát, agonista hatású a dopaminerg és szerotoninerg receptorokra, és antagonista hatású az alfa-adrenoreceptorokra] [Codergocrini mesilas]infoCo-dergocrine mesylate, a combination of the mesylated forms of dihydroergocornine, dihydroergocristine, dihydro-alpha-ergocryptine and dihydro-beta-ergocryptine, used for mental deterioration associated with cerebrovascular insufficiency, peripheral vascular disease

kolinerg receptor

kolinerg receptorinfocholinergic receptor, receptors on the surface of cells that get activated when they bind a type of neurotransmitter, acetylcholine

kolinerg urtikaria infoutlöses vid värme, ansträngning, ofta vid svettning

kolinerg urtikária [urticaria e calore]infocholinergic urticaria, contact heat urticaria, localised heat urticaria, heat urticaria, a rare type of physical or chronic inducible urticaria

konvergent konkomitant skelning

konvergens konkomitáns kancsalság [strabismus concomitans convergens]infoconvergent concomitant squint, the deviating eye is directed inwards

korsallergi -n -er

keresztallergiainfocross allergy, cross sensitization, an induced antibody may react with antigens formed from haptens of similar chemical structures

Krukenbergs tumör

Krukenberg daganat · Krukenberg-tumor [fibrosarcoma ovarii mucocellulare carcinomatodes]infoKrukenberg tumor, a metastatic signet ring cell adenocarcinoma of the ovary, the primary site is the stomach

Kugelberg-Welander syndrom infospinal muskelatrofi

Wohlfart-Kugelberg-Welander-betegség [chronicus proximalis spinalis muscularis atrophia, PSMA]infoKugelberg-Welander disease, spinal muscular atrophy, SMA, a genetic disease affecting the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system, and voluntary muscle movement [skeletal muscle]

levergång -en -ar

közös májvezeték [ductus hepaticus communis]infocommon hepatic duct, CHD,s formed by the right and left hepatic ducts junction. It joins the cystic duct to form the common bile duct, CBD

levergångens beskärning för stenavlägsning

ductus hepaticus metszése kőeltávolítás miatt [hepaticolithotomia]infohepaticolithotomy, surgical removal of one or more calculi from a hepatic duct

leverglykogen -et -

májglikogéninfoliver glycogen helps regulate the blood glucose levels

Löhr-Kindberg-syndrom -et -

Löhr-Kindberg-szindrómainfoLöhr-Leon Kindberg syndrome, eosinophilic pulmonary infiltration with severe course

lysergid - [LSD] infolysergsyradietylamid, 'syra'

lysergid [Lysergidum, LSD]infolysergide, LSD, a semi-synthetic hallucinogen

mesolimbiska dopaminerga bansystemet

mesolimbikus dopaminerg-pályarendszer [area tegmentalis ventralis]infoventral tegmental area, VTA, the ventral tegmental area of Tsai, ventral tegmentum, a group of neurons located close to the midline on the floor of the midbrain

metylergometrin -et

Metilergometrin [Methylergometrinum]infoMethylergometrine, used for the prevention and control of postpartum and post-abortion hemorrhage

metylergometrinmaleat -et

Metilergometrin-maleát [Methylergometrini maleas]infoMethylergometrine maleate, Methergine, acts directly on the smooth muscle of the uterus to cause rapid and sustained contraction

Mönckebergs skleros

Mönckeberg-sclerosis [mediasclerosis]infoMönckeberg's arteriosclerosis, Mönckeberg's sclerosis, a form of arteriosclerosis or vessel hardening, where calcium deposits are found in the muscular middle layer of the walls of arteries [the tunica media]

Morbus Buerger [MB] infoinflammationsartad sjukdom som angriper artärer o. vener o. medför tilltäppning av kärlen

Buerger kór [tromboangiitis, endangiitis, endarteritis obliterans]infoBuerger's disease, thromboangiitis obliterans, caused by small blood vessels that become inflamed and swollen

neuroallergi -n -er

neuroallergia [neuroallergia]infoneuroallergy, an allergic reaction in nervous tissue

neuroallergisk -t -a

neuroallergiás [neuroallergicus]infoneuroallergic, related to neuroallergy

neuroaspergillos -en -er

neuroaszpergillózis [neuroaspergillosis]infoneuroaspergillosis, cerebral aspergillosis

nicergolin -et

Nicergolin [Nicergolinum]infoNicergoline, an ergot derivative use for the treatment of symptoms associated with cerebrovascular abnormalities

Nievergelt syndrom infomultipla medfödda deformiteter i extremiteter förekommande tillsammans

Nievergelt-szindrómainfoNievergelt syndrome, mesomelic dwarfism-type Nievergelt

nonketotisk hyperglycinemi [NKH]

nonketoticus hyperglycinaemia [glycin encephalopathia]infononketotic hyperglycinemia, a rare, genetic, inborn error of glycine metabolism

noradrenerg -t -a

noradrenerginfonoradrenergic, liberating, activated by, or involving norepinephrine in the transmission of nerve impulses

ögonlock allergisk dermatit

szemhéj allergiás bőrgyulladásainfoallergic dermatitis of the eyelid

övergå i fistelbildning

sipolyképződésbe megy átinfopasses into fistula formation

övergå till benen

csonttá alakul [ossificare]infoossificates, turns into bone

övergående tarmstopp

átmeneti bélelzáródás · nem teljes bélelzáródás [subileus]infosubileus, temporary intestinal obstruction, incomplete intestinal obstruction

övergång från magsäcken till tolvfingertarmens övre del

átmenet a gyomorból a duodenum pars superiorjába [pylorus]infopylorus, the opening from the stomach into the duodenum

övergångsområdet i hjärnbarken

allo- és isoscorticalis kéregterületek közti átmeneti rész [juxtallocortex, mesocortex]infomesocortex, juxtallocortex, the transitional areas of the cerebral cortex, formed at borders between true isocortex and true allocortex [either paleocortex or archicortex]

oxytocinerg -t -a

oxitocinerg [pl. sejt, pálya]infooxytocinergic, containing, or releasing oxytocin

Paltauf-Sternbergs sjukdom infomalignt lymphogranulomatos

Hodgkin-Paltauf-Sternberg-szindróma [lymphogranuloma malignum, Paltauf-Sternberg symptoma]infoHodgkin-Paltauf-Sternberg disease, malignant lymphogranulomatosis

parallergi -n -er

nem fajlagos anyaggal szembeni fajlagos antigén-reakció [parallergia]infoparallergy, the condition of being allergic to nonspecific stimuli after having been sensitized with a specific allergen

parallergisk reaktion

parallergiás reakció [reactio parallergica]infoparallergic reaction, an allergic state, produced by specific sensitization, predisposes the body to react to other allergens with clinical manifestations that differ from the original reaction

Parry-Romberg syndrom

Romberg-szindróma [hemiatrophia facialis progressiva]infoParry-Romberg syndrome, rare disorder of progressive facial hemiatrophy

pergamentliknande mumifiering av foster o. fosterhinnor

magzat és burkok pergamenszerű beszáradása [mumificatio papyracea]infoparchment-like mummification of fetuses and amniotic membranes, parchment-like drying of fetus and envelopes

Pierre-Marie-Bamberger syndrom

Pierre-Marie-Bamberger szindrómainfoPierre-Marie-Bamberger syndrome, a rare paraneoplastic syndrome caused by bronchial carcinoma

primär allergen

elsődleges allergén [primaer allergen]infoprimary allergen, major food allergen

Schamberg-syndrom -et -

Schamberg-szindrómainfoSchamberg disease, pigmented purpuric dermatoses, PPDs, a chronic, benign, cutaneous eruptions characterized by petechiae, purpura, and increased skin pigmentation [brown, red, or yellow patchy]

serotonergt syndrom

szerotonerg-szindrómainfoserotonergic syndrome, serotonin syndrome happens when a new drug increases the level of serotonin in the body

