Svensk-Ungerska medicinsk ordbok »

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SvenskaUngerska medicinsk
dopaminerg -t -a

dopaminerg [dopaminergicus]infodopaminergic, releasing or involving dopamine as a neurotransmitter

dottergeneration -en -er

hibrid · leánynemzedék [hybridum]infohybrid, daughter generation

dyssynergi -n -er infostörning av muskulär koordination

disszinergia · izommozgás zavara [dyssynergia]infodyssynergia, muscle movement disorder

dyssynergi i gallblåsan

epehólyag izomműködésének zavara [dyssynergia biliaris]infobiliary dyssynergia, biliary dyskinesia, a motility disorder that affects the biliary part of the digestive system

eftergift i sena infogenomtrampning

ínelengedésinfotendon release, tenotomy, a surgical procedure that involves cutting through or disconnecting a tendon

electroretinogram -met - [ERG]

electroretinogramm [ERG]infoelectroretinogram, ERG, a diagnostic test that measures the electrical activity of the retina in response to a light stimulus

elektroretinografi -n -er [ERG]

electroretinográfia [electroretinographia, ERG]infoelectroretinography, ERG, a test to measure the electrical response of the eye's light-sensitive cells [rods, cones]

elektroretinografisk -t -a [ERG]

electroretinográfiai [electroretinographicus, ERG]infoelectroretinographic, pertaining to electroretinography

elektroretinogram -met - [ERG]

electroretinogramm [ERG]infoelectroretinogram, ERG, a diagnostic test that measures the electrical activity of the retina in response to a light stimulus

endogen allergen

szervezetben keletkező allergen [endogen allergen]infoendogenous allergen, present in several commonly consumed foods

erytrodermisk lymfadenopati efter infektion allergi

Symmers-szindróminfoSymmers syndrome, follicular lymphoma, ommon type of the low-grade non-Hodgkin lymphoma, NH

Esmarch-Heiberg’s handgrepp

Esmarch-Heiberg-féle műfogásinfoHeiberg-Esmarch maneuver

exogen allergisk

exogén allergiás [allergicus exogenicus]infoexogenous allergic

exogen allergisk alveolit

extrinsic allergiás alveolitis [allergic alveolitis, allergic interstitial pneumonitis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis]infoextrinsic allergic alveolitis

experimentell allergisk encefalit

kísérleti allergiás agyvelőgyulladás [encephalitis allergica experimentalis, EAE]infoexperimental allergic encephalitis, EAE, a model of autoimmune disease resulting from abnormal immune responses in the CN

experimentell allergisk encefalomyelit [EAE]

experimentalis allergiás encephalomyelitis [EAE]infoexperimental allergic encephalomyelitis, EAE, an inflammatory, autoimmune demyelinating disease of the CNS in rodents

Ferguson peang haemorrhoid böjd infoför kastration av hund o. gris

Ferguson angiotribe [T]infoFerguson angiotribe forceps, used to control bleeding from a blood vessel

Fergusons horntång

Ferguson patacsípőfogó [forceps ungulae Fergusoni] [T]infoFerguson horn forceps

Ferguson´s reflex

Ferguson reflexinfoFerguson reflex, the fetal distension of the cervix stimulates a series of neuroendocrine responses, leading to oxytocin production

fettsugning av venusberg

szeméremdomb zsírleszívása · vénuszdomb zsírleszívásainfomonsplasty, liposuction of the pubic area

Fishberg test

Fishberg koncentrációs tesztinfoFishberg concentration test, a test of renal water conservation

fjäderallergi -n -er

tollallergia [allergia ab penna]infofeather allergy, allergy to feathers

foderallergi -n -er

takarmányallergia [allergia alimenti, -pastus]infofeed allergy

födoämnesallergi -n -er

élelmiszer-allergia · túlérzékenység élelem összetevő iránt [allergia alimentaris]infofood allergy

Fothergill syndrom infotrigeminusneuralgi, Fothergills ansiktssmärta

Fothergill-szindróma [trigeminus-neuralgia]infoFothergill's disease, trigeminal neuralgia, TN, tic douloureux, prosopalgia, the suicide sisease

fraktur på skuldergördel

vállövtörés [fractura cinguli membri superiores]infoshoulder girdle fracture

framkalla allergi

allergiát előidéz · allergiát kelt · allergiát kivált · allergiát okoz [inducere-, producere allergiam]infocause allergy, induces an allergy, triggers an allergy

Freiberg-Kohler syndrom

Freiberg-Köhler-szindróma · Freiberg-féle betegség [osteochondrosis juvenilis capitis metatarsi II]infoFreiberg's disease, avascular necrosis of the metatarsal head

gangrenös ergotism

idült gangrénás anyarozsmérgezés [ergotismus chronicus gangraenosus]infoergotism, poisoning produced by eating food affected by ergot, typically resulting in headache, vomiting, diarrhoea, and gangrene of the fingers and toes

gastrointestinal allergi

élelmiszer-allergiás gyomor-bél bántalom [allergia gastrointestinalis]infogastrointestinal allergy include abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea

gemensam levergång

máj kivezető csöve [ductus hepaticus communis]infocommon hepatic duct, a tube that carries bile from the liver

generaliserad aspergillos

generalizált aszpergillózis [P: Aspergillus] [aspergillosis generalisata]infodisseminated aspergillosis

getinggiftallergi -n -er

darázsméreg-allergiainfobee venom allergy

glutamaterg -t -a infosvarar på glutamat, som innehåller glutamat [neurotransmitter]

glutamaterginfoglutamatergic, related to glutamate

glutenallergi -n -er

gluténallergiainfogluten allergy, celiac disease, celiac sprue, gluten-sensitive enteropathy, an immune reaction to eating gluten

glutenallergiker -n -

gluténallergiás [személy]infogluten allergic [person]

glycinerg -t -a

glicinerginfoglycinerg, activated by glycine

Goldberg-Maxwell syndrom infoen typ av hermaphroditismus, gonadal dysgenes hos normala kvinnor

Goldberg-Maxwell-szindrómainfoGoldberg-Maxwell syndrome, gonadal dysgenesis in normal-looking females

gördelvindlingens övergångsparti

homloklebeny összekötőrész [isthmus gyri cinguli]infoisthmus of cingulate gyrus, connects the cingulate gyrus to the parahippocampal gyrus

gränsövergången mellan hjärnans undersida och ö-området

az agy alsó oldala és a szigetterület közötti határátmenet [limen insulae]infolimen insulae, translates as the threshold to the insula, and is the point at which the insular cortex is continuous with cortex over the amygdala and superior temporal gyrus